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Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago

342 skellies
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago

338 skellies ~
Posted in How good is this dog? Posted 5 years ago

@Vampiretaco: She is the goodest of good. <3

@Shadami: Mmm. I'm going to Chicago next week for a wedding. We'll be having pizza one of the days I'm there. c:

My internet has been out all day. ;-; Sorry I'm just now checking this!

@koneko: Yay! I'm glad it was accurate. <3

@Shadami: The sad thing is I'd probably eat pizza even if I knew it would make me sick. Unless it tastes gross too. :P

@Uncledaddy: Sorry about it taking so long! I am super tired so I hope this makes sense. xD

Situation - Five of Cups; It could feel like everything is failing right now. You are getting caught up on your failures and letting them hold you back. It's important to remember that while you may not always succeed, you probably haven't lost everything. Focus on what success you have achieved, and learn from your mistakes.

Obstacle - Queen of Pentacles; You may be comfortable living a certain way, but it's probably not sustainable. Be wary of becoming lazy or too comfortable, because you may have to change the way you are living soon.

Advice - Justice; Look closely at details when making choices. Your actions have consequences, and the more effort you put into something, the more you will gain from it. Sometimes the more difficult path is the one with the greatest rewards, but you have to be willing to work for it. Now is a good time for you to start making changes.

@Shadami: One time I drew that card for myself, and the next day we had free pizza at work. I love pizza, so I was super excited. Three of us including myself ended up sick after eating it. :c

It could have just been a coincidence, but now I'm always extra careful when I get free food.

@koneko: I hope this helps. c:

Strengths - The Chariot; You are willing to accept change. You can handle things once they are set in motion. You enjoy feeling free and get a boost of energy from it.

Weaknesses - Eight of Swords; While you are good at change, it may take you a while to work up to it. It seems that you are afraid to start things, you spend too much time planning everything out. You may be afraid of failure or challenges.

Advice - Four of Cups; It is time to erase any negativity in your mind, because it's holding you back. Opportunities may present themselves as less than favorable, but look on the bright side of things and you may be surprised. Don't wait for things to happen, you are in control of your life.

@Lilypoo: Thank you!

Posted in how is credit supposed to work? Posted 5 years ago

There are credit cards called secured credit cards that let you put down a deposit when you open it. These are for people with no credit history. You can use it to build up your history, then cancel your card. You can also get a loan that is meant to build up credit history. You are loaned some money, but it gets put into an account and you have to make payments to get the money out. If you already have a bank account, some banks will set it up for you.

Some utility companies and landlords will report when you make payments too!

@Mousy: xD A late Dwight thank you is better than a normal thank you!


Past - Queen of Cups; You have given all of your strength to help others, but little for yourself. Your caring nature sometimes goes too far, and you end up taking care of everyone else's needs instead of your own.

Present - Nine of Cups; There may be an offer in front of you that looks tempting, but think hard about it before accepting. Some things are too good to be true. The Cups are emotional cards, but at this time you need to use your head and not your heart!

Future - Eight of Cups; You are on a path of becoming drained and worn out. You need to reassess your lifestyle and look for ways of improving it. This card is a warning sign that some things may seem okay now, but they won't be in the future. This could be a warning that if you accept the offer in the Present, you will have trouble later.

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago

630 skellies
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago

626 skellies


[Note: The Ace of Swords fell out of the deck while I was shuffling, so I've included it in the reading.]

Situation - Eight of Cups; You have experienced a setback, or perhaps you are hung up on a failure from the past. Whichever it is, it has created disappointment and you are reluctant to try again.

Obstacle - King of Pentacles; There is a lot of self doubt and you may not use your talents completely in fear that you won't succeed. This card suggests that if you show confidence in your work and act as if you are already successful, you will find it much easier to work.

Advice - Wheel of Fortune; Don't resist your urges or impulses, and don't doubt when you come up with a new idea. Changes are happening and it's best not to fight them. Look at your previous mistakes as lessons to learn from, and don't be afraid to fail again before succeeding.

Additional Advice - Ace of Swords; Don't hesitate, you are about to reach a goal! You should set aside worries and hesitations so you can focus on your work. If you put all distractions aside, there's a good chance you will succeed.