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Posted in KreitzeN's Curios Posted 5 years ago
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.

Making a thread for all my art stuff! Also my first thread wooooo
I'll be categorizing my posts according to whether or not they are completed works or works-in-progress. Do not if they are categorized under "WIP", there's a chance I may not actually finish them but I wish I had the motivation to.
Posted in Rune Factory 4 & 5 Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Direct? Nah I learned of Rune Factory after playing a lot of Harvest Moon on the GBA and looking around the internet for info about it and other games like it. I really would recommend having a go at 3, even if you go through it just once. You get to turn into a cute lil' sheep monster (I know it's not that strong a pull but still, it's something xD)

It really is impressive how everything in the games are so well-thought out! I recall all of the characters...well, most of those I can remember being very well-written and entertaining to interact with. The lore is also pretty fascinating...
Posted in Rune Factory 4 & 5 Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh, I finished Rune Factory 3 long ago on an emulator a very, very long time ago. Getting to marry all of the love interests on separate saves was a treat, and it had a mix of Action-RPG style combat, crafting, farming and dating sim all rolled into one that really got me hooked (also holding hands was the cutest thing).

Unfortunately I cannot afford a Switch at the moment, but I'm happy to know there are sequels coming out.
Oh gods above I thought this place disappeared until now! I'd completely forgotten to check my bookmarks and I haven't been too active in a while...

"Sideris Eliades"

In my long absence I'd been writing a bit and created a character for another campaign I got invited to. It has an interesting flair about it, with the rules and setting being a mix of 3.5e, 2e and Pathfinder. The magic system is especially fun as all classes are capable of using magic, with the number of initially known cantrips and feats varying from class to class (i.e. I as a Fighter have 1 known cantrip and 8 maximum spells or feats while our Sorcerer has 2 cantrips and 16 maximum spells or feats). Our spell trees also grow from our cantrips, and as we start at 7th level, we had a lot of developing to do.

The spell tree I managed to work out is called "Arcane Steelworks", developed from my character using his magic to maintain his father's equipment as well as through constant observation of blacksmiths and how they work with different materials and armaments. Using mana, Sideris is able to reinforce, replicate and synchronize with weapons, reinforce his own body parts or create a synchronization field around him that at higher levels produces more weapons that can fly at his enemies per turn or be used by his companions.

For anyone who goes "Ohhhh" in their head, yes, I love Fate/stay night.

I can safely say it took me two weeks or so to iron out everything (heh) and I've just finished making all the tables. So many tables...

Oh right, rambling again. Anyway, I hope you're all doing well!
Posted in Interesting finds randomly scouring youtube? Posted 5 years ago
I found a Youtuber called "Mista GG" in my recommended videos while watching horror/creepypasta narrations. His horror movie reviews got me interested, then the rest of his content got me hooked.
Posted in What Games Are You Playing Right Now? Posted 5 years ago
Right now, at this very moment, I am playing Terraria with a friend. Good way to take a break after trying to draw
Thanks dragoness! In the middle of redesigning everyone except Cerise 2 for my story and it's taking a while

@Saeyra: And it's great fun to roll them too! They feel very different compared to my metal dice, much lighter and much easier to lose (gotta make sure to throw 'em juuuuuust right), but I can still see myself using them for a game or two. I've place 3 of my main dice sets into the box the metal ones are in, all in pouches...except the transluscent ones because I ran out of pouches.

Thinking about using them hypes me up funnily enough
@Rallaa: True. The addition of a core of some kind is interesting though. makes sense that there's something holding the amorphous creature together and the magic being condensed into something that serves like a nerve bundle/brain/heart is pretty neat!

Yeeaaaah I looked stuff up and a creature known as Giant Slime only appears in homebrew material. Oozes are such a pain to deal with as a melee character. Their Split feat can get pretty annoying from what I've read.

My campaign hasn't moved much as of late. Kinda sad about it. Being on the other side of the world compared to everyone else sucks xD

Also I got these recently! Ordered 'em online around two weeks ago and now I have dice for every character archetype I can think of. Gonna get some fancy metal ones again next month hopefully.
Yeah I have a feeling it could've been based on the kinds of Slimes that have a core to hold them somewhat together. I just keep thinking of the Slimes from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
Do those things have a core or something like that? One of you, probs the one with the highest HP, could just dive right in and go to town on what should be an existing weakness. We had that so it worked out for us
@Saeyra: Thanks! I haven't drawn in quite a while but I'm glad to know you like 'em! As for close calls yes, I've definitely had those!

Let's see...during my second session, our Summoner used Arms of Hadar while I was close to the final boss of our quest (some kind of undead creature in a haunted mansion) and I managed to dodge the first time around. I had missed two of my initial knife throws so I went close-range. So the Summoner uses that spell twice more, each time hitting me and reducing me to around 3 HP.

Thankfully we still got to kill the thing and I got more feats and improvements afterwards. That thing got reduced to ash by our pyromaniacal arsonist of a half-demon Sorcerer (who also almost burned down the house).

After that one there was the incident while my party was fighting a group of stronger-than-usual Giant Centipedes. This time it wasn't the enemies who got me, oh was the pyromaniac Sorcerer. Somehow he had missed one of his Twinned Firebolts and it hit me. That got me straight unconscious and I was saved by the Summoner growing healing mushrooms from her body (something from the Grogs of Substantial Whimsy we all drank earlier) and the other Sorcerer whacking me 300 times with the Healing Stick he got for the haunted mansion quest.

The most recent one was when we were fighting against a Giant Slime. Everything seemed to go well though I did get my knives stuck in the thing and unfortunately I couldn't use the bloodsucking feat on it...but the fight was going well though it did grab the other Sorcerer...then it grabbed me. The Sorcerer got away but I was stuck in it, dealing damage to me and melting my leather straps off (leaving me with a slowly melting cape). Fortunately the Giant Slime's own health had been reduced significantly and I hit its core and killed it before it could get me to 0.

The DM really liked that encounter. The roleplaying was fun tho
@Rallaa: That was such a cute story! It's good to see a group that actually gets focused too. Goodness knows how easy it is to go off-tangent...

I managed to draw 4 of my 11 characters last night. I had actually lost track of time while doing this and of course they're subject to change, but I hope to digitize this within the week. Maybe add some color or tweaks with their respective designs.

@Saeyra: I'm currently playing the one in the far right, Cerise Caligari (though her last name is not mentioned). I'm a Vampire who specializes in sneak attacks and stealth, grappling and keeping my health up with my bite attack. I have a feat that lets me mark a target and inflict bonus damage to it on hit, after which I usually either throw my special tri-bladed knife at it or execute an unarmed attack (then grapple, then a stab n' bite combo in the next turn).

Tabitha, Johnathan and Cerise Rotroselia are characters appearing in something I'm working on called "The Black Rose Incident", a story wherein Johnathan the Fighter and his Cleric companion Tabitha are sent by their order to investigate a remote fortress that has gone mysteriously silent. It's taking a while as I'm using dice to determine the outcome of certain events and transforming the result into paragraphs

Which reminds me that I need to make a cover for that and also tweak their outfits...
@Saeyra: A good balance of storytelling and mechanics would be nice. I started with 5e
Is there really that big iof a difference between 3.5e and 5e? I'm liking 5e so far because of the storytelling potential it has. I wouldn't describe myself as much of an "experienced RPer" in any way xD
Posted in itty bitty welcome committee Posted 5 years ago
Consider yourself embraced. :vreg-celebrate: