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Kokirii's Avatar

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Hey, Im kokiri. Name was taken e.e. I'm probably too old to be here. Brat from gaia 2006.


  • FUZZY FUZZY (5 years ago)

    awe thank you, it is my favorite by far right now, but I will be a rainbow before June ♡

  • FUZZY FUZZY (5 years ago)

    you like a lot of stuff that I like, and I two used to be on gaia but that was long ago. I am on the old side as well. but I have to take my little unicorn to the.Dr. in the morning.


Food, occult/paranormal stuff, simple living, music.


Large social gatherings, Stuck up people.


Knitting, video games, art, reading, watching youtube for like 6 hours straight.