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Dur-Zine was slightly taken aback by her straightforwardness, but decided he better mantain a similar speed. " You seem to... " he walked over to a closet. Opening it, he pulled out a bazooka, a band of grenades, a handgun, and black ops body armor." Here, the bazooka is very powerful, and the armor is top notch." As he handed her the equipment, he whispered into her ear," When all of this is over, I will give you your family... He then grabbed a broadsword and basic armor pieces crafted out of ivory, and adorned with amythiests.

Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
Let me give you a basic timeline:
Ouranos: shover
Kronos: eater
Zeus: really, do I need to say anything?
Herakles: murderer
You are sooo right.

@Anarchist Beauty:
Posted in Daily Dose of Literature Posted 3 years ago
Heyyy! This is a thread where I will post a Writing Prompt every day. Then, you will write a short story for that prompt. And the, everyone will vote on each other's work! The poll will be posted at 4pm or after 30 stories have been written. If that happens, the next Prompt will be released much sooner.

Writing Prompt #1
After playing a video game for an entire day, you fall asleep. You wake up in the game, and there you stay for one hour. If you can make it to the end, you will make it out... But if you don't, you'll be in the game forever.
What happens? Do you make it?
Posted in Nerdtropolis Posted 3 years ago
Do you want to talk over your favorite Pokemon? Do you want to share your favorite myths? You been reading good books? Then this is the hangout for you.
Video Games
And More!
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
You sure about that? Kronos' Dad Ouranos shoved them back in to their mother Gaia...
@Anarchist Beauty:
Posted in ~*Kitty Shouts into the Void*~ Posted 3 years ago
~Peers into void~ um...
Lornk, sornk,bdornk.
Gornk, fgfg vgggbfgdfhhhhhgfdfghjjjjkjjgffddesdfvsddcfgghhffdrdrftghhhggygtrtfnjnhgyfddcwsssdftghhhhgghhhhjufhhbhjjijhhgughhhgffgfygybhhjjhhgfggfgghhhjhjhhjhhhhhgggggghhhghhhhhuii.kjjjnjjnjhuhihbguutcc d dxs,w a£,ryfyjhnk.!?pji😚😮😚😮😮:-(:-*:-|:-*:-*:-*:-)🎌😶😏😏😣😍😘🛃🚰🔑🔐🌂🕚🌖🕚🏢

He led her to the darkest part of the alley, then said," You might feel a small part of the dematerialization and rematerialization. Do not worry." With these words, he began the process. It lasted less than a second, but having the very atomic structure of your body dissapate isn't pleasant.

As they left, a shockwave of dark energy was released. The energy took the helicopter out of the sky. As the wreckage lay on fire, the only surviver climbed outside and he fell from the wreckage. Jacob vowed that he would chase the Eldritch ones who had done this. Turning into a falcon, he began to chase the smell of the Shadow realm... He wouldn't be able to enter, but he could be there when they got out.

As they materialized, Dur-Zine made some quick changes to his Shadow realm. Now, it was a ranch, albeit a dead one with cow skeletons walking and grazing. He led her to the house, and set the table." I hope you like slow cooked chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy." He set the food down, then said" I am going to shed this illusion. I will take off my mortal form." Then, black smoke rose, and as it cleared his true form was revealed. Tall, eight feet and eleven inches. Obsidian skin, pitch hair, a sable suit, and white onyx eyes. He said, in a deep, melodious voice," What do you think?"
" I... I can see you not being able to trust me, so..." He held out a box of amunition." These explode on impact. One of these and I am dead as a doornail. I... " He decided not to say he could see all the fears running through her mind." In my Shadow realm, there is food, Guardians can't go there, and I can outfit both of us in better gear. On top of that, I can find Haven..." Just then, the helicopter began to near them." It's now or never!" he said, holding out his hand.

Inside the helicopter, a Guardian named Jacob began to question the tracking system." Looks like two humans," he said. " The leader replied," Look past their forms, Jacob." And he did. And he found that their black auras where clear as day.
He easily stayed in pace with her, his long legs striding comfortably." I am Dur-Zine, Chief Elder. I represent fear, shadows, and nightmares. I have been several places... The Guardians make things so hard. You can't blame them though. They were just born to track us. We should escape to my Shadow realm for a time. Permission granted?"

Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
I am good.
An Eldritch Diety? He thought. His mind raced, trying to remember the name of that aura... He had forgotten the name, but he knew her. Interesting... I wonder how much she remembers... His thoughts were cut short by the reminder of pain. " I am Dur-Zine," he weazed." Can you turn off the darn light?" He pleaded. " I will tell you more, just not when I am melting!"
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
Well, my aura simply radiates darkness. I thank you for your compliment. I hope I don't quarrel with thou, for it shall be your end. And lo and behold, I spake unto you, saying, gettest thou not in the way of my magicks, for this to shall be your end.
=_= Forgive me. I am sometimes very uncontrollable with my tongue.
@Anarchist Beauty:
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
Say hello to the new Hekate kid!
Posted in ~*Kitty Shouts into the Void*~ Posted 3 years ago