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Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@onsenmark: mine's through Verizon, and except for $10 because they want you paying on the phone each month for two years, mine's paid, and thus super cheap right now. Mom's paying for the internet plan on the phone. And her phone. And for the mifi
She called Spectrum yesterday, we are literally the only house they don't service in the area. Between mom's college job (ASL, and thus videos), her main teaching job (more internet heavy stuff), and my nieces being over every weekend (TV on the internet, ABC Mouse for the older one), the 15 gig of full speed on the mifi is done in a day and a half, tops. Then it's massively throttled and it's gotten to where yeah mom's gonna pay more with Spectrum, but full speed full time internet with no cap? Yes please

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Yeeting people from my life... Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Naw, you're calling the jerks out

Also, dad says octopus done right is really good

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kitshop Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@grost: YEET

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in OMG....I have sitution on my hands... Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Ahaha not me
I'm actually giving that item away in my shop

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kitshop Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Added Motherhood on the selling side. For free

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Signature limits Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Yeah the listed character limit count not matching the actual character limit count is rather odd, and very frustrating when trying to fit things into a sig

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Animal Crossing has me by the brain stem Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I'm too busy working on getting mats to build a maze to worry about going for five stars lol
But I've got my islanders all together in neat little rows, the shops and museum around the RS, my home on a bitty islet, most bridges built (last one in progress), and have some flowers in breeding squares
Still missing some flower types entirely tho

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@onsenmark: it does
Which is why I'm leaning towards the iPad Pro. I can get more immediate use out of it
Or I will once I download the apps I need lol

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@onsenmark: this is supposed to be a good laptop
But we found out why it's so damn slow: our internet, the best we can get here, is shitty. We're very literally limited to cell tower internet, for some reason satellite internet doesn't come here
But satellite tv does
Cable lines? Closest one ends half a mile away

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in So -- how's YOUR day/week/whatever been? Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I have a friend staying over until it's all cleared up which changed to she's moving to Michigan in September if all goes well because she has asshole family members. Is nice because we can play Switch games together. So far, mostly Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, the latter we have a co-op farm
My nieces, ages two and five, have been coming over every weekend and they're little migraines. And the five year old is showing signs of being a pathological liar
Trying to decide if I'm gonna get a laptop or an ipad pro with my stimcheck. Considering how slow mom's year old laptop is with Windows 10 despite being super good and that's the only Windows to be found, I'm leaning towards the ipad. But I wanna get it in person, and we all know how well that's gonna work out right now

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kitshop Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Fabled Beauty added to Kitbuy

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kit's quest Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Brb adding Fabled Beauty to the list
And reviving this lol

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Y'ALL I AM LOSING MY MIND Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Hey you're the one who called it a dumpster fire

It's not a series I cared for, and I think how popular it got didn't help. Bella's too passive for my liking
I did enjoy The Host tho, so it's not the author herself. Wanda isn't exactly active herself, but she's also got internal conflict going on so that makes up for it to me

I wonder if Edward's PoV version will be as awkward

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in My pet birb (pets discussion) Posted 4 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I have two cats, but there are five in the house
All five apparently have soft fur, but Jazz's is extremely soft

Put ya guns awn!