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Posted in wrik's purrdy thirty Posted 2 years ago

Ooh! Happy 30th Birthday!!

I'm turning 32 this year. > o>

I'm sorry! D:

Posted in The Surge: March Crates! Posted 2 years ago

Also, yay! I get to see my design made into an item! :'D

@Totalanimefan: Interesting. That makes me wanna watch it even more. o:
I think I stopped watching when they went into skypeia or whatever it's called.
I was never that into VK even though the art was gorgeous. I always wanted to collect the Nana manga, but never got around to it. A press conference or even novel written by someone else and supervised by her would be pretty cool. Or maybe even a complete anime that she supervises? I read that the girly Nana might've got into an accident and died or something? XD That is a twist. Yeah, it's very slice of life. I love manga and anime that portray average life realistically. Famous people are humans too! X3
Huh. o: I don't remember the opening and ending now, but I think I liked them too. XD Yeah, I wish the anime was longer. Aw, that sucks! My library is pretty awesome. * u* Though I guess it no longer has some of those really old classic manga.
Well, I noticed it's on youtube so I think that's an okay place to watch it. XD Man, hearing the opening totally gave me nostalgia. Reminded me how much I actually love that series. I really like the pretty boy in it too. XD

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I'm pretty sure she ignored the erotic aspect. XD She loved that girl's personality.

That sounds pretty nice to watch. O: I love trying to connect dots and such in storylines. Why do you think they used anthropomorphic animals instead of humans?
Sure was hard to keep track of One Piece when it just kept/keeps on going. XD
I loved reading it when it was serialized in the Shojo Beat magazine. Wow, I'm surprised I didn't know that! That's so heartbreaking... Would hate to see it not end before she dies... I wonder if she wants to finish it or not.
What volume is the last volume? o: I should totally borrow it from the library too. I loved the time a binge-watched it with Hadsvich in the middle of the night. XD Can't borrow from the library anymore?
You totally should. I love the characters! Such lovely delinquent boys and such a cool teacher. X3

OMG So much goood stufff!!!!!! I'm definitely buying a bundle.

Posted in The Surge: March Crates! Posted 2 years ago

Cool items but I wish they were items we haven't seen on the site already. Sure makes the other tv head obsolete. Might as well take it out of the ohm shop. Having said that though, I would love to see a counter-part to the old-fashioned traditional artist--a modern digital artist. Definitely am interested in using all three. My favorite's the clown... Wish the black and white version wasn't so drab compared to the other two tho... How could you remove the legging pattern from it....

Posted in Half-Demon’s Thoughts Posted 2 years ago

I wish I had a snack with me...

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, it's funny how she loved a character from a totally erotic show but doesn't think of erotic things in real life. XP It's like she thought sex is a fantasy or something.
Totally!! I love the idea of learning how to work together on a partnership and overcoming challenges together. ; w; It's something that sounds so hard irl...

Ooh, so it's sorta like an anthology series? o: That sounds fun to watch.

Interesting. I loved One Piece and Yu Yu Hakusho when I watched them on tv. I'd love to watch those again someday. I so need to read and watch Nana in full already... Erased and Princess Jellyfish are soooo good!! * o* Oh, have you watched Gokusen? I think you'd like it. The art style is a little funny but I loved watching it.

I hope I can make time for this this weekend.

How were the chemical burns caused? o vo; If I may ask. Hope they're healing well and you ace your exam!

Btw, what are your favorite anime? o: Or at least, favorite genre of anime.

@Totalanimefan: The boy is adorable. Idk. I find it hard to believe a girl that's that pretty and girly would ignore/not know how her scantily clad body would affect an average teenage boy...
It's definitely my favorite! > w< The boys are so cool and I love how they grow as a team.
Ooh. What makes it good? I've been sorta interested. o:

@Totalanimefan: I’m not a fan of all the fan service either… But the cosplays are amazing and it’s so cool that a boy made them! > w<
Aww, some are really good! These two aren’t as great as others but not as bad as the worst so… You could be watching something better like Haikyu. XD