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Posted in THANK YOU <3 Posted 5 years ago
Gonna shove them here when I finish them~

You can see my most recent art in my Art Dumpster if you're interested in seeing what I usually do
However this will be a bit different ^^;

For Amber Lynne <3
Posted in THANK YOU <3 Posted 5 years ago
So I am currently at my sister's place and I don't have my tablet with me to work on stuff~
Which has lead to this topic~

I need a little guinea pig, either Avi or OC or what have you~
Low-key gonna be a secret so if you want to gamble and try to get a mystery freebie feel free to post~
I will say that this is more crafty related than drawing~
So there's a hint ^^

This is not a first come first serve basis, just whichever I can do with what I have here ^^;

I was a bit nervous to post this but I was having trouble using my own characters doing these so I figured doing something for others would help me get out of this weird slump ;w;
Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 5 years ago

@Amber Lynne: Totally same ;w; I'm like "Just give me a stick figure with my character's hair or something and I'll cry" xD
But I don't think there's ever been a piece of art that I've been disappointed in getting ^^

And aaahhh no it's okay to go on a tangent ;w; It actually made me feel a lot better ;w;
Also thank you for showing me 2 new artists~ ;w;

@star2000shadow: I'd imagine so ;A;

@dragoness129: My night's been okay ^^; Really tired tbh xD
What about yourself~?

//ahhhh sorry for the ping ;A;

I am prepping for a wedding right now. Kiiiiinda wanna jump off a cliff

@star2000shadow: Wow that seems like a crazy situation ;A;

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 5 years ago

I'm excited to see everyone's art ;w;

@Amber Lynne: Ahhh thank you ;w;
And yeah getting things made specifically for you always seems to brighten people's day ;w; So I hope so <3
Also your art is lovely~ I'm sure they'll love it <3

Posted in SECRET ART EXCHANGE 2018 [GIFTS POSTED!] Posted 5 years ago

After sitting here for a couple of days trying to decide if mine was actually done/okay enough
I finally submitted -sob-
I really hope my person likes it ;w;

Also hope everyone had a lovely holiday <3

casually crawling back in here while I finish some art stuff~

How is everyone~?
Up to anything interesting?

@MoodyBats: I totally get that
I think I could live with one of my sisters if I wanted to.
But I get what you mean, I wouldn't say my anxiety was better exactly, but I didn't feel as guilty because I didn't feel like I owed my family anything or like was being a burden. So....moving back home with the family while I try to get back on my feet hasn't been the best for my mental health

Yeah~ I think it would be good for the kind of stuff I do anyway, so I think it would be nice just for some on-the-go stuff, or just sketching at least ^^:

References are our friends~

I've done a lot of acrylic painting and stuff, but basically only realism xD I've only done a handful of stylized paintings xD
I haven't ever used alcohol markers, I had to buy a prismacolor colorless blender before for school and I don't think we ever ended up using it xD
And I usually sketch with just a random color pencil tbh since they all erase to some extent and I don't ever need them to be like....completely erased xD But I do still want some xD

I've seen some of her videos, at least enough to know I like her and to subscribe xD
Yeah that's what I try to do xD I just think that I don't improve as fast as other people tbh so it just messes me up ^^;

You too~ Remember to take some breaks in between studies ;w;
I'll try not to ^^; I'm hoping to get these done and turned in tonight so I can try to get some examples done for freelance advertising ^^;
i just need money, man

@MoodyBats: I miss living alone tbh xD
I was happiest then even if I had less money xD

My best friend uses procreate~
I've always wanted to use it since she showed me xD

I've draw a couple of scenery pieces but none that I really liked tbh ^^;
I need to practice more scenes and stuff~
I've been trying to slowly incorporate more things into pieces xD

I have never used oils....always seems like something I wouldn't have patience for tbh xD

Ooo I love JelArts~ I should watch her more tbh xD
I still compare myself to others pretty hard ^^;

Haha I entered it to be held accountable to finish a thing tbh ^^; And because I wanted to give art to someone xD
But then I decided to be extra and do more than one piece I am....working on the 3rd part xD

@MoodyBats: Oooo good luck on that~ <3
My new investment has changed...for...reasons. So now I'm looking for an apartment or something, just somewhere safe xD
so fun.

No harm in trying out some new ones~

Aw that would be cool, if I finish a full scene or something I'd totally make a print of it just to have xD

I feel you on that xD I'm like "I think I know how to do this....but DO I?"
I'm primarily a digital artist now but I did traditional art a lot before and throughout college so I know some traditional mediums a bit better ^^;

Woo prototypes~!
And that's a pretty good thought, 'cause if your constantly strive for perfection you'll just get disappointed 'cause no one will ever be perfect xD
Aw that's awesome~ I'm taking a break from apartment and job hunting to work on part 3 of my Secret Art Exchange thing ^^

@MoodyBats: Yessss the struggle xD My laptop is very.....touchy. I need a new computer tbh xD
An ipad is an investment I'm hoping to make soon.....after a new computer xD

Yeah that's why I started making sure my signature and stuff is super present now tbh, or in places where it's present but not where you can crop it out so I'm like "SUCK IT"
Yessss I got a little notebook with my art on it and it was lovely xD And like, a tshirt, but that was mainly to see how it printed and how the quality was because I'm really picky about that xD

Blending is so hard for me tbh, I see people blend beautifully and I'm like "HOW"
I can blend relatively well on like....canvas with acrylics and stuff but for some reason on digital mediums I just....can't xD

Oooo I like the third eye one~ And I think the kois would be nice~ ;w;
And tru~ Practice is progress~
And that's good you know what to work on ^^ I'm sure you'll just continue improving just by keeping at it~ <3

@MoodyBats: Haha I get you, tbh I'd like to get an ipad or something or like, just something more portable because sometimes I just wanna sit on the couch and work instead of at my desk xD
Also I feeeeel you xD

Ahh I get that, I'll say I haven't personally come across my own art being stolen up there yet in the 4 or 5 years 3 or 4 xD I can't count, I've been up there, but I get the distrust of other users, but I guess my art's not really worth stealing anyway xD
Have had art stolen on instagram before tho, that sucked xD
I've been meaning to get on society6, I keep forgetting to do the verification thing xD Which is dumb because it's like $1, like, get on that Kay wtf

Ooo cool~ I'll give it a look~

I struggle with....everything xD I at least have an ehhhhhh okay-ish cutesy style I'm okay with to do like, stickers and stuff for the time being while I'm practicing other things xD
'Cause I refuse to post things online that I'm practicing because....yknow....doubt xD

@MoodyBats: Oh yea my very first tablet had no sensitivity whatsoever xD It was sooooo bad xD

I totally get that, I am in a similar boat tbh so it's been hard for me trying to find a job
But I wish you the best of luck ;A;
If you start selling merch or something let me know and I'll try to get something ^^

Have you looked into like, print on demand services like RedBubble or Society6??? I don't get a whole lot from there each month but it's usually at least a little spending money I can save yknow?

Ohhhh yeah I think I know the one you're talking about~
If so it is in the discord ^^

I've been struggling with poses lately tbh ^^;