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Posted in A Proud Moment Posted 5 years ago
I'm proud of your friend too! Making games is no walk in the park. I think I'll download that after work tonight, it looks pretty awesome.
Posted in People with long hair... Posted 5 years ago
I have super long hair, as does my husband. I cope by putting it up in super elaborate styles... buns and braids and etc all at once. My hubby either wears it down or pulled back into a low/loose ponytail. I don't know how he can stand it because he works in the heat all day as a new-construction plumber.
As for weather the hair will suit you or not: whenever I tried short styles, I'd always try ones that looked cute on folks with super straight thin hair... my hair is thick and wavy. It did not work out well. BUT the beautiful part about that is short hair grows faster than you would think, and you can try something else in no time. Change your look up a few times until you find out what is comfortable.
Posted in Howdy Posted 5 years ago
@Francisco: Right? Makes me wish I could take credit for more of them
Posted in Howdy Posted 5 years ago
Welcome here! I dig your avatar aesthetics so far.
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
@Monorea: Viking is a pretty cool name. My husband claims viking heritage so *jots down*
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
@Tuijp: Well, snap... *jots it down* Hubby already approves, but that could be because its early and we've barely slept
Posted in Physical or digital? Posted 5 years ago
Digital is great, because I have a digital gaming library that would fill three real-life rooms... but I also have a real-life room full of oldschool games in their physical form. *waves cane* Now let me tell you about oldschool physical games, kiddos! Often they would come jam-packed full of awesome goodies. Instruction manuals you would never read except they've been written poetically and dressed with all sorts of concept art. Actual extra art pieces. Posters. Full sized maps of the territory to hang up behind your entertainment-boxes. Key-chains. TINY PEWTER FIGURINES. Usually these were included with no extra cost.
Also, I second Bioshock's notion of proof of ownership. Right after my dad passed away, I saw his steam account active. I was furious, but of course the person who stole the account didn't care. I didn't have my dads password or e-mail or anything to get it back, but steam asked me to take a picture of one of the games unique codes with a code they sent me and the next day the account was mine. (Steam is so great for this, btw)
Plus, my PC won't play a lot of those older games correctly so I just have a bunch of shiny disks and wasted plastic... but I love them so, so there they'll sit for eternity.
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
@Alexia: I pick horrible names. Just awful. So far, I've thought of: Chance, Spike, Poppen, Argyle and Dare. Am I naming a pet? Am I choosing a screen name? Whats wrong with me?
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
@Taffy: So far, headache and fatigue... except for one day when it was migrane and nausea... I feel like that second one is going to be more prevalent later.

@Dread Pirate: I'm only Granny in spirit. Also, even if I wasn't, if my body can make a baby then I'm pretty sure I'm not too old for it lol.
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: I don't drink and rarely tuna so I'm ahead of the game!

@Everyone else, Thanks <3 <3
Posted in Guys! Posted 5 years ago
I'm pregnant. Thats right, they'll just let anyone have kids these days.
Posted in I WON A PRIZE!!! Posted 5 years ago
Hooray, it feels so good to be a winner. Flaunt it!
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Hay guys!
I've always been mighty interested in world building and forum-based role play, but I'm a slacker and just read about it instead of actually doing anything.
I figured instead of building a world for people to play in, I could play at building the world, too.
My basic idea was, after creating our god characters, we could run them through a modified version of 30 days of worldbuilding and combine our ideas or have godly fights for supremacy should we disagree... create a mini-world to play around with... but I'm open to other suggestions!
What say you, gentlefolk of the RP forum?
Tiny is the way to go! My favorite part about pure pixel art is its limitations tend to inspire more creativity. Learning how to trick the eye is so much fun, and those lessons can be translated to other mediums very well.
Your wee sprite is adorable! Its got a very sly/mischievous look on its face, which is hard to portray at that size.
I'd love to offer suggestions, but don't want to give what might come off as a harsh critique where none was asked for... but if you're interested in some tips let me know!