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time to ruin everything...

(okay I can jump in with this topic......)

yeah Vibrance Day is sort of like a hybrid of Valentine's Day and spring celebration (I'd say Easter but it's... not THAT much like Easter)

so it's usually around March or early April

we like making like, parallels obvs to irl holidays but wanna make them unique to Voltra c': own traditions and everything and yeah setting them not ON actual holidays makes it easier on everyone and that way you guys don't need to miss out

we're going to try making the games available again to play in the near future so everyone that missed out gets a chance to experience it ;'3c ... ALSO THERES LIKE... so many routes in each game, everyone only ever played once and missed out, tch... there's so many good goofs everyone missed out on because they were afraid of getting a bad ending HAHA
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

SOBBING SORRY XVZ Im like... I always have this mindset "oh no Im intruding..." at the thought of posting in people's threads even though it's like...

hello... that's the point of a forum, dingus.......

WOOF yeah moody that'd wear me out too, I never even attempt those challengers because theyre like, BIG undertakings o': impressed you got that much done!

thats a really good mindset for sure though c: the moment it stops being fun is when it just becomes tiring
(tho I guess studies are rarely fun, but they're def useful in being able to make the fun stuff HAHA)
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

debated posting in there but I get so shy
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

drew this feral idiot
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

UNDERSTANDABLE yeah you dont wanna overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once o':

painting and semi-painting so hard too... every time I try Im always like "why did I start this its so much work..."

but Im glad to hear you're having fun, thats the most important part c: should be able to enjoy making art
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

DYING I DIDN'T THINK IT THROUGH UNTIL I SAW IT IN THE SPOILER and I was like "oh hold up........."

crying thank you though c': I love making playlists HAHA (you should see how many I have it's ABSURD)

oh yeah I can understadn that Moody.... real talk I only clean my stuff up when I have to c'; but that'd be really cool to semi-paint it o: good luck with it!

oh wow two? I wish I had the patience honestly it sounds really cool

DYING NAH spotify never shows when you listen to other people's playlists no worries, I have NO idea who's out here listening HLDKDK thank tho bless ;'3c Io's was the easiest one for me to make outta them all HAHA
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

cropping it was a bad choice, I swear its wholesome
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

ohh that sounds fun though Moody o: I get that though I end up redrawing everything like, 100 time until I'm half-way happy with it HAHA

uhh my weekend... is going to be spent working I think, I fell behind and need to get so much work done HAHA I was hoping for a break but well, oops ;3c (its my own fault)

I work through death, how do you think I became a ghost? c; I'll try taking breaks... eventually....

sobbing I'm glad you liked it xvz, I still have a lot of work to do on it obvs (like half the characters still need me to fill in their info HAHA) but I threw on the playlists I have so far... I need to make more >;'3c (had to recreate two of them since I made them on youtube and like... half the links were dead in those HAHA OOP...)

we actually did have a 'which npc are you' quiz thing in the past, I dont know where it is tho and it's SEVERELY outta date HAHA should make a new one for kicks one of these days...

nah roast me I know Im the worst...
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

rare sticks around until next month so there's still time if you dont wanna open too many of the same item ;'3c

also its every 10 crates you're GUARANTEED a rare
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

I wish I could say yes but I had to put drawing pretty boys on hold onto I get some work done, I let some deadlines creep up on me weeh... the nightmare never ends (jokes I love working on stuff HAHA)

I do have some good progress on a doodle tho but it's also cringey I'm an embarrassment...

working on art sounds nice Moody o': what are you drawing?

I'm... doing some pixeling work right now ;3c
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

sup ny'all
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

okay I HAVE SO MUCH LEFT TO DO tonight but... baby needs a break...
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

crying I never stop and when I get a free moment I'm like "why not give myself more to do and suffer-"

it's worth it tho HAHA
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago
time to ruin everything...

I'm planning to do summaries of events too for everyone but that's going to be an even more massive task HAHA BUT IT'LL HAPPEN... SOME DAY...