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@totalanimefan: Nope, hopefully trying to relax this weekend, screaming children in my house notwithstanding. What about you?
Posted in ¡WINTER ADVISORY! *Snow is Approaching* Posted 3 years ago
Oh, fantastic! I've already bundled up for the snow!
@totalanimefan: I hope they can too! Happy friday!
@totalanimefan: Me either, lol. Luckily neither of them were living on campus, so they weren't invested in campus life too much to begin with.
@dragoness129: oof, me too. I find myself staying up later and later and having more restless sleep. I even bought a weighted blanket but i don't think it's helped very much :(

@totalanimefan: Yeah, it's been rough, but they've adjusted for the most part. :)
@dragoness129: It is, but the existential dread of "you could be doing something productive" gives me anxiety. :(

@totalanimefan: They're both graduating this semester, if things play out right!
@dragoness129: Oof, I get that feeling hard. Work and my emotions just drain so much out of me I don't have any desire to create, i just zone out and play video games.

@totalanimefan: Yeah, both my girlfriend and him are in school still, so we're waiting for them to graduate before we all move in together. He's most likely going to move up here!
@totalanimefan: Both through dating sites, actually. The girlfriend and I lived relatively close so it wasn't too bad. Boyfriend was online for probably...a year or so? before we met him in person.
@totalanimefan: Indeed! You've both been together a long time as well. :) Glad to hear it!
@dragoness129: Ugh, I get it :( I wouldn't want to go back to my grocery store job ever. I really hope you'll find something!
@dragoness129: I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. :( I hope you find one that suits you well soon! I've been doing okay! I've been lucky enough to keep my job through the pandemic. Pandemic time's just been draining all around, though. What kind of job are you looking for?

@totalanimefan: I've been with my girlfriend for almost 8 years, boyfriend for ~3.
@totalanimefan: You're completely alright! Poly is definitely not for everyone, but I found that it kind of enriched our relationship. :)
@dragoness129: Ah, dangit! I got your first ping and completely forgot to respond!! I'm so sorry! It's great to see you here as well!! I hope you've been doing okay!
@totalanimefan: You're completely alright! The 3 of us are dating each other. :) I was with my girlfriend first, and she met our boyfriend.