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@Ravaen: Ah, cool! I tried doing adoptables for a while. They were pretty fun, but they sure are hard to keep up demand, haha.

@FuuChan: Ginger Ale is the best for being nauseous! :> Mints like candy mints? Or do you put mint leaves into drinks?

@Lina: Hi there, Lina!

Pretty soon all of staff is going to end up in here. Watch yourselves
@Concentricity: How's it going?
@Concentricity: Hihi! :D

@ravaen: Oops, I missed your reply earlier, my bad. :vanora_sweat:
Custom adoptable? or just a custom art piece?
@FuuChan: Ah, that's the worst. :c I get super nauseous when I get mine too, haha.
Does anything help?
@FuuChan: Aw, oh no! D: Are you getting sick?
Bleh, I made myself even more nauseous with food :vanora_stunned:
@ishoji: LOL bad Ishoji! :vanora_huff: I do that a lot though so I guess I can't judge LOL

@Fuuchan: Do you have a favorite artist at all? :D
Posted in [x] Posted 7 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Is this text still too small? :vanora_xd: I started off at size 11, but now it's up to 14. :o Aha, I'd say to go get a new one but glasses are so expensive. :c
Sheep are so cute. :D I've never played it, but I've hard of it! is it good?

Lots of different types, haha. Art blogs, fandom blogs, and then blogs that basically just shitpost I guess LOL.

I'm super tempted to buy it, but now sure if I wanna spend the money on it. But the Lucio and onesies....I need to acquire babies now. Would someone be upset if I stole their infant child to dress them up in those? Would I go to jail for that?
OH, well...that works. :vanora_xd: I'm glad you found it, though...I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined that sweater existing LOL.

Do you have to sand the pieces with a special sander? The plastic stuff seems pretty thick. :o Ah, just have the bun keep the wight of it up, you mean? :o
Yeah, I think he would! Or it would be like the younger Reinhardt where it was long and flowy, maybe? :vanora_xd: But I like the idea of the braid so he could annoy Ana like "we're besties"

IT'S SO GOOD OKIOS WTF, why are you so amazing ahhhhh
Thank you so much for drawing her. :vanora_cry: I'm going to go lay down and caress this picture now, yes..
@ishoji: PFFT how late?!
Posted in chai exchange | open Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: :vanora_xd:

@chii: Aww, thanks so much!
@Ravaen: Ooh, what are you doodling? :O

@dowan: I'm the same way, haha. If I get a sore throat before I'm going to sleep I'll drink Nyquil like it's water. Ain't no way I'm gonna deal with that through the night. >:c
I work for a company that builds handheld spectrometers. :O It's a pretty cool job but definitely comes with its fair share of hazards. :vanora_xd:
And yes, I'm also a professional meme ;D
@Dowan: Ah, it's all good! My co-worker had the flu or something last week, so I think I just caught it. I had been feeling pretty awful over the weekend anyway. :P
My supervisor is always pranking me, so it's no surprise. Though saran-wrapping my bench is more effort than he usually does ahaha!
Just some over the counter type stuff. :o
@Dowan: I fell asleep after replying to you, sorry LMAO.
I'm tired and sick, though...but I got off of work for the day? :D My supervisor texted me showing me that he's currently saran-wrapping my workspace though. :vanora_xd: The price I pay for getting sick.

@FuuChan: Painting styles are pretty! I like when you can see a ton of texture and such in a piece.
A couple of my recent favorite artists I watch/follow have some cool coloring styles that I want to master. :vanora_cry:

@lithinel: Welcome back then! ;o

@ravaen: I got off of work today. So now I can chat more!