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    @sunny: hey sunny~ how are you doing today?

    @kiwi: i just want to say that your avatar is soooo cute~

    @DreamerZ: i feel that on a daily basis. being tired is BUTT

    @Alorrena: we had a small group too. none of my friends know how to actually play with like the actual rules but we mostly literally just role played. it was very casual and might piss off very official DnD fans, but I had SOOOO much fun.

    @Alorrena: OH THAT SOUNDS FUN. it's been like years since i played dnd with my friends. my grandmother liked big bang theory and would watch it when it came on cable. i wonder if it still runs on cable

    @xvz: you know that saying: "the world is your oyster"? kinda like the possibilities are endless? well i have nothing planned so legit anything can happen. xD

    @xvz: no not really, i just cleaned my room up a bit and the rest of the weekend is my oyster, lol.

    neon: i'm absolutely am sayin nooooo. i'm not doing that laundry today. i'm too tired from moving my furniture

    neon: yes and i like the way it makes my room look now when it is clean lol. our laundry room is too small to keep our laundry in so it sits in my room lol

    neon: that's good! i am also done with a few chores i set for myself! i rearranged my room furniture. now i just need to find the inspiration to clean and do

    how is everyone by the way? are we doing well today?

Posted in h Posted 2 years ago

    wrik: i'm close to getting my second item...very close.

    @Totalanimefan: none at all. i actually just finished re organizing my room~

    @DreamerZ: how are you doing
    @totalanimefan: absolutely NOT. the time zone change ATE ME TF UP. my body was still used to my time zone that sleeping was weird.