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Posted in Ghosting Items Posted 4 years ago

@Amber Lynne: I'm not very active, so the new invo was a surprise LOL
but yeah, no problem! I'm staff on another site so I can totally like, appreciate if a random user pings me to a place and is like, hey! this! xD (I'm also not super familiar with the colourcodes for staff here, so I'm glad that I made the right guess at least xD)
Posted in Ghosting Items Posted 4 years ago

@0v7: I don't think ghosting is much for an exploit, as it doesn't exactly replicate the item, persay, it just leaves a "ghost" of it on the avatar, and once the avatar is cleared, you're unable to access the item if it's no longer on your account. But, considering the system that they have now (which, holy heck i love it much more than the previous), it may not even be remotely possible.

I do sort of hope that staff pop in to answer the thread soon though to provide further clarification on the matter though? (cause even I'm half curious now lmao) @Amber Lynne: I'm assuming you're potentially apart of the mod side of things, or, for sure on staff anyhow, given name colour xD Pardon the ping but you were the first staff that I seen on the online list :'D
Posted in Ghosting Items Posted 4 years ago

@0v7: If I'm not mistaken, basically glitching the inventory/avatar system into thinking that you have a specific item (and displaying on the avatar) without it actually being in your inventory. I could be mistaken though, honestly.
Posted in sleep check !!! Posted 4 years ago

I've oddly been doing well for sleep lately. I've been managing at least 7-9hours and have been hitting rem sleep properly. It's been a while since that's happened. Sure enough it took being out of work for 3 ish months in order to semi fix my sleep schedule LOL

It's nice though, today I know I got more than 7 hours, at least 8, and I was comfy enough that I simply didn't want to get up. (I did anyway because I had to get up for work, though.)
Posted in Coffee buzz! Posted 4 years ago

@0v7: as long as I can find the recipe again, I can most definitely send it to you! <3

And pumpkin spice coffee isn't a bad thing, honestly :'D
I know for my work we do have a pumpkin spice coffee, but, after serving it for several weeks in a row, I grow a little.. tired of it and smelling it xD
Posted in Coffee buzz! Posted 4 years ago

"You've had too much of the digital love..."

I haven't found a coffee blend that tastes good black, which is sad bc sometimes I just want the Bean Taste, yknow?? I also think hot coffee is pretty comforting, which is actually why I drink iced more often - so I can stay awake ! otherwise I'd take a coffee nap lol (quick edit: xvz suggested oak milk as an alternative to almond and dairy milk :0 might be worth a try)

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

I'm REALLY picky with what coffee I drink black. This one has almost a roasted nut flavour to it, but not? It's really hard to describe, but, it makes me think of a faint smell or a woodstove in the fall, but, with coffee, y'know? It's a really nice flavour overall.

I've found that some light roast coffees have really nice and mild flavours, in comparison to some medium or dark roast coffees. But, I do also drink a lot of flavoured coffees, too, so there is that. I end up leaning towards like, cinnamon or caramel/vanilla flavoured coffees, cause nom. There's only like one other coffee I can tolerate black from my work, but, it's a cinnamon based flavour. Otherwise though, I usually need something in the coffee :'D If anything, I'd suggest looking into light roast coffees for black coffee. They usually have less for flavour more for caffeine, but, there are some that have some really nice notes to them * u*

I've been recommended oatmilk before actually! My mom sent me a recipe to make some, so it's something that I definitely plan to actually do, just a matter of when xD
Posted in Coffee buzz! Posted 4 years ago

As a barista, caffeine is my life source. As an artist, I literally bleed the shit at this point.

I do have a terribly high tolerance to caffeine overall though. I'm generally drinking any sort of light roast coffee specifically for that lil extra boost, but usually doesn't occur until I've had at least 8 coffees, and I end up casually sipping on roughly 3 through out my entire day :'D
Its rare i drink iced coffee though. It has to be REALLY warm for that to happen. Hot coffee is just ridiculously comforting to me.

(Most times when I'm working I just drink my coffee black, we have one at work called speedball which is super caffeinated, but it's absolutely delightful for flavour. When at home, bit of sugar and enough whitener to make it coloured and I'm happy. (I don't use almond though i have some because it just seems strange to me, and i can't use milk or cream because agony afterwards orz))

Induction isnt overly bad, or that scary, initially yes, but once you begin, it all kinda goes from there. It is fairly painful in terms of contractions, I've been told by others who have both had natural and induction that the induction contractions were much worse than natural. (I was induced for my daughter and had epidural, along side I think it was fentanyl for pain management? Foggy times for that entire like week from going in and to leaving the hospital)
In terms of epidural, yes, here is a good risk of having issues after the fact, a lot of times it depends on who you have for the doctor administrating it/epidural. Some are really good and know what they're doing, others not so much. Mine told me to tell them when the contractions settled, and when he was doing it, the contractions where not stopping, it was a constant flow of ouch and tension, however he did manage to pull off putting the epidural in properly. I was really thankful. (And who knows, I might actually have back issues, but I've got enough issues all around I dont think I'd notice even if I did LOL)

Long story short, research and follow your gut if you're worried. (Added fact, I've got hypotension! Essentially the opposite of what you deal with. I have incredibly low blood pressure naturally, most doctors and nurses are terrified when they see my numbers and ask if I'm okay. "Oh no, that's normal, I'm fine" with a "oh, welp" in response)
Posted in Go big or Go home. OPEN Posted 4 years ago

@Junko7: You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy! :D
Posted in Go big or Go home. OPEN Posted 4 years ago

@Junko7: I sent you a trade with some goodies! <3
Posted in start - finish Posted 4 years ago

@pachi: it was practically weeks of tweaking and fiddling with it, honestly. (When I first finished it, it was about 4 days of work, then I spent another week or two tweaking, and fixing things every day or two until I was content/decided enough was enough xD the upside, I've essentially found my style LOL)
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago

ive been vaguely keeping up on other provinces, thankfully, new brunswick hasn't gotten too insane :<
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago

New Brunswick.
my work isn't really an essential service, as much as id love it to be, but, it is for the better.
(joys of working in a coffee shop, my last day on thursday was at least a good day for tips LOL was able to get a couple extra things before sorta like, going into deep hermit state for the time being LOL)
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago

on the note of crisis', ive been doing my best not to panic.
I've already been laid off because my province is in a state of emergency ;n;