Welcome to the Serious Talk Forum!

This forum is dedicated to serious discussions, and is held to higher standards in regards to hostility, flaming, and trolling than the other forums. This is where you can hold respectful debates, discussions or rants about serious real life issues, and other discussions regarding topics that may be controversial or likely to cause strife.

Please Note:
★Discussion in this forum must remain considerate, non-hostile, and mutually respectful. This forum has a no tolerance policy towards flaming, trolling, insults, and general abuse.

Forum Basics:

Currency Cap: 50 Volts

What Belongs In This Forum:
★Debate Topics
★Complicated or Controversial Topics
★Real Life Rants

What Doesn’t Belong On This Forum:
★Chat threads belong in Hangouts
★Normal, non-serious discussion topics belong in General Chit-Chat

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Main Forum Rules