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Forums Help & Support post styles question

Donator — He/Him/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/5 05:41:54 )

I understand how post styles work and that only images are allowed. I have a couple questions regarding how to use the post style setting. Firstly is bbcode allowed to be used in the post style settings or are they considered text? If it is allowed, is there a specific way to format it that I am missing? Whenever I make a post the post style basically inserts itself before all the text I've written instead of before and after. Or is there just no way to have it before and after the text? Thanks in advance for any help!


Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/5 06:06:46 )

Text in post styles is cool. As far as I'm aware, anything in your post styles does NOT count toward the volt earning for your post.
(Of course, if it's outside of the post style, then that's where it can become an issue. If you got text you wanna use, just put it in the post style for ease~<3)

BBcode in the post styles is cool too! You think we all get all of our pretty posts by redoing it all every time? I commend those that DO that though... I don't have the patience for it myself, lol.

To get it to be where you want it (above and below) you use the [post] bit!
Seriously, it's that simple~<3

For example, here's mine
[b]♯I've been Dancing with your Ghost // Some might say we have stole the show♯[/b]

The [post] in there is where my post will be. Therefore, everything above [post] will be above it, and below [post] will be below it =)

If none of that needs more clarification, or I missed something, please just ping me for more information!

♯I\'ve been Dancing with your Ghost // Some might say we have stole the show♯

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/5 20:03:53 )
Oh its nice to know there is a post style option like that, Ill be making use of it

Donator — He/Him/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/5 23:38:34 )

@Amber Lynne: Thank you very much, that pretty much solves my issue!! I had seen that the [post] was a thing on the page where you can edit your post style but I thought it was just a visual marker for your actual text haha.

he/him | on JST so sorry if my replies are slow;;
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Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/6 03:00:50 )

@mato: It's much more useful than that! XD
one thing that was done well for that, that I adore~<3

Beyond that, happy to help~<3
Since this has been solved, I'll lock the thread. Feel free to poke me if you have more questions though!

@mimi: The post styles are awesome~<3
And same as above. If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to send me a PM. I'm here to help~<3

♯I\'ve been Dancing with your Ghost // Some might say we have stole the show♯
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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