Okay, just had another weird dream.
I was in my apartment, but for some reason it looked completely different and it was in a much taller building and there were a lot of other buildings crammed in really close to it.
So, anyway, I wake up and am looking out the window and I see some guys all dressed in black (like robbers in movies) climbing out of an air vent on a building across the way and all carrying sacks, quickly followed by some police. And the next thing I knew I heard the cartoon whistle of a bomb falling and I look up and a bomb falls past the window, it looks like a cartoon too, but I know that it's real, so I basically scurry away to get as far away from the window as I can, and I can feel the explosion reverberate through the building, but nothing gets too damaged. The building does seem to be crooked now and a little lower though. And also, my cell phone no longer works. At that point, I'm super afraid that no one will be able to get hold of me and I won't be able to get help, so I leave the apartment and go out to find a new cell phone. Outside, it looks like some typical post-apocalyptic world. Then it skips to me returning to the apartment and there's some guy sitting in on the bed eating something and I'm just very confused, but as I approach, I see that the thing he's eating is kind of shaped like a cat. So I scream at him to drop it and get out and he does and I very quickly figure out that he somehow got in and ate my cats.
And that's pretty much all I can remember, though I feel like it continued on a little more.

The longer I'm awake, the more it fades, too.