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Forums Role Playing No One Can Predict the Future

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 05:14:06 )

She sighed as she looked at the school. For all she knew, this was going to go south, and go south quick.

"Oh geez... this isn't going to be fun, is it??" She asked the air quietly before shifting the bag that she had across her torso.

She looked at the large building before sighing, again, and putting a lock of lavendar hair behind her ear.

"Well, it's now or never, I suppose." She said before making her way into the school, and to the main office. She knew that she had to check in, so to speak. It was her first day, being a transfer student, after all.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 05:32:17 )
As the new girl walked into the main office, she quickly notice a young man sitting down in a chair who looked rather.....odd. He wore his uniform to look more like a cape or cloak, his tie was loose and his right hand up to his elbow was wrapped up in bandages while his left sported a single leather glove that reached to his elbow. One of his left pant leg was rolled up to just below his knee and he wore three belts around his waist with what looked like some sort of dangling cross, well, dangling from on of them. The young man had semi-pale skin and deep blue eyes. His hair looked as though it were silver and messy; obviously a dye job. Lastly, he had a scar right below his right eye, there was no telling if this real or not.

"So....another unfortunate maiden has made their way the castle of the dark abyss..."He muttered under his breath as though feeling sympathy for the new girl.

"Err...don't mind him; you must be the new transfer student."Stated a tall, rather attractive man who appeared to be in his mid thirties.

"I'm your new principle, Mr.Blackwell."He stated, extending a hand.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 05:37:11 )

She quirked an eyebrow at the sight before her, at the teen tha twas there.

"Uhh, yes. Yes I am." She said before taking her eyes away from him and looking toward the principal.

"Alchemy Carver, checking in." She then said, shifting her bag again. She didn't have anything odd or unusual for her uniform, but that was largely because she had no idea what kind of school this was. She'd tried to do some research, but there had been absolutely nothing. Anywhere.

It was almost as if this palce didn't exist... which she found quite unusual.

She accepted his hand with a friendly smile before looking around.

"This is hte legendary Eternal Hopes school." She said.

"I must say, I feel quite priviledged to have been accepted into here."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 05:52:34 )
"My, what magical name."Chuckled Mr.Blackwell.

"Once again the dark emperor, Black Heart, master of lame puns has struck again...."Scoffed the teen who was sitting in the room.

"That's enough, Mr. Andrews."Mr.Blackwell sighed.

"Who is this Ryan Andrews you speak of; I am Alkhaizer, the half-felblood hero and master of the god slaying sword, Godhender!"The teen exclaimed while standing up and posing like some sort of hero."

"Right...Ms.Carver, would you please follow me to my office to finish your paper work."

"Don't run form me you coward!"Shouted Ryan.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 05:54:19 )

Alchemy was silent as she looked toward him, not entirely sure what it was that she was supposed to make of the boy. That was... definitely a new thing to witness.

"I..." She started before shaking her head and looking back to the one that was speaking to her.

"Please, lead the way." She said.

"I get the feeling the only way we'll find anything akin to peace is in your office, admittedly."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:04:48 )
The application process went by quickly and Alchemy would quickly find her way to her new classroom. Upon entering the class, she would tell that i was already loud and rowdy with many students being drawn to the far corner of the room; to where Ryan was standing atop his desk and making some sort of announcement.

"I ask of you, people of Revia, lend me, Alkhaizer your aid in defeating the seven dark lords and freeing your people from their tyranny!"He shouted with extreme gusto.

He then noticed Alchemy as she had entered the room and bolted towards her in an almost impossibly quick fashion.

"I see, you've manage to escape the grasp of one of the seven dark lords, does this mean we are meant to be allies in this battle for the future of Revia?"Ryan asked as he grasped Alchemy's hands and stared her in the eyes.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:07:04 )

Alchemy was silent before looking to the hand that he'd grasped. She didn't know what the hell was going on, and she certainly had no idea how the hell to deal with it.

"How about we deal with surviving the next hour first?" She asked him as she gently removed her hand from within his.

"Because.... This might be enough of a challenge for me." she then said, lying. All in all, for the moment, she just wanted to get the hell away from him. This was a bit too much for her.

Of course, she didn't know what was to come, but she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know, either.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:25:35 )
"Are you bothering the new student...Ryan?"Asked a rather ominous, large figure who who entered the classroom , thus prompting Ryan to quickly step back and take a fighting stance.

"So you've arrived, general Howels...."Stated Ryan.

The large figured sighed and tried to ignore Ryan as he turned his attention to Alchemy and stuck out a rather large hand for to shake. He looked rather intimidating but at the same time a feeling of comfort could be found in the way he looked; almost like valiant knight.

"You must be my new student, my name is Tyson Howels, I'll be your hoom room teacher for the year." He stated.

"Don't fall for his rouse, he is a general of Black Heart!"Exclaimed Ryan.

"....Please take a seat and try not to take Ryan's fantasizing seriously."Mr. Hwels suggested as he moved to the front of the class.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:29:23 )

Alchemy accepted the hand with a nod.

"Yeah." She said. "I am Alchemy." She then confirmed. After being told to take a seat, she nodded and with naught by a glance toward Ryan, she made her way over to a free seat and sat down.

Conveniently right next to Ryan, the insane one in the room it seemed.

This year... is really going to be interesting... She thought.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:39:28 )
The class resumed rather normally, although with a moment where Ryan refused to answer roll call when his name was called; insisting he be called Alkhaizer. When the bell range for the next class to begin, there was a ten minute interval before classes would reconvene; taking this into factor, Ryan opted to speak with Alchemy.

"The general has left...for now."He stated as he stood next to Alchemy's desk.

"So what brings you to this kingdom, was it the great oracle who predicted that I would need assistance in my mission to rid the land of the seven demon lords?Ryan asked.

"If that is the case, I'd be highly interested in what kind of skills a cute girl like will bring to my party; maybe a cleric....a sorceress....a thief....couldn't be warrior right, that would be far to similar to myself."He added trying to wrap his mind around the situation.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:46:13 )

Alchemy sighed lightly.

"I'm just a transfer student." She answered.

"And I do mean that. I'm just here to learn." She then paused a moment.

"Wait... you said your name is Ryan Andrews, or at least that's waht those here know you as, right?" She asked. When he nodded she just smiled softly. She knew that she'd been requested to come help someone out... and that there was no way that she'd miss him. All she knew was that she wouldn't miss him, and that his initals R.K.A. She may have looked young, but she wasn't.

"I'm a sorceress, but we need to keep this quiet." She then said.

"Lest they find out." She made air quotes around the word they to try and stress it.

She'd play this game for now.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:55:53 )
"I knew it, you had sorceress written all over you; definitely the build of one suited for the arcane arts."Ryan stated with a smug smile.

"Well...that's what my human bloodline has called me, Ryan Kameron Andrews, but I've tossed aside that name to embrace my felblood lineage in order to prove to the world that my kind isn't innately evil."Ryan explained.

"I must take down the seven dark lords if I ever desire to bring back radiance to the world's Crystalium and in turn bring peace to Revia."He added with a serious tone to his voice.

"For the time being though, I must take things slow and gather allies under the dark lord's noses and then strike when they least expect it."

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 06:58:02 )

"For ease, and for the sake of blending in, let's use it." Alchemy said.

"And... Ryan is a lot easier to say." She added with a light laugh.

"I.... can't belive I'm doing this... she thought before sighing mentally.

"Now sit down. Let's survive this class and the next. We'll talk more specifically over lunch, all right?"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:11:46 )
"Very well....and call me Al if it's easier."Ryan suggested as he moved back to his seat and readied himself for the next teacher.

Lunch approached rather quickly. Ryan made his way over to one of the far corners in the cafeteria after pay for his lunch, carefully examining his food while awaiting for Alchemy to enter. Once she did, Ryan made his way over to her, thinking he was moving a stealthy manner but to the other students he was just being his usual weird self.

"Once you've obtained your meal from the kingdom's food service I'll be in the far corner; be careful though, there might be mind control agents in their, how else do you expect the citizens of Revia to follow the commands of the dark lords unopposed?Ryan stated before attempting to sneak back to his seat.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:18:31 )

Alchemy just rolled her eyes after he wasn't looking at her.

"Well, gues it's a good thing I brought my own." she muttered before following him and sitting across from him.

"Yeah, see, I don't eat school food. Never have." She told him.

"I bring my own." She added as she pulled a sandwich (conveniently in a small bag) out of her messenger bag.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:25:19 )
"You must have someone quite the cooking skill level."Ryan stated, almost sounding jealous.

"I unfortunately must rely on the food provided by the kingdom since my overseer can't cook anything to save her life...."He added as he pulled out a red pepper.

"Ha, told you, a mind control substance concealed in an attempt to take over my mind."

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:26:47 )

"Actually, I live alone. I make all my food myself." Alchemy told him simply.

"can't trust anyone else in the kitchen." She added, figuring she should play along with that.

"And hey, I could try and create a rune or potion or something to help fend off those pesky effects." She then said. "Since they really are getting in the way, no?"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:36:55 )
"Sorry but it won't help, I must eliminate all of these pesky, deceitful vegetables if I am to assure no one else will fall under their control." Ryan stated.

"But would it be too much to ask if you'd help your ally by making him lunch as well, I'll teach you many great battle arts in exchange."He suggested looking at Alchemy's food, half gulping down what he bought.

"Saving what little funds I have will also prove advantages in our efforts to take down the dark lords."

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/7 07:46:18 )

Alchemy just laughed lightly.

"Sure thing." She said.

"I can make you lunch for the next bit too. Not a problem." She added as she offered him half of her sandwich.

"Although you should see if you like what I make first."
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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/8 18:29:36 )
Ryan quickly proceeded to snatch the sandwich from Alchemy's hands at a speed that made her clasp her fingers together in disbelief of how quickly it had vanished. As he gobbled down the sandwich, a faint , fervent heat raised from Ryan's body almost as though a surge of energy was taking over. He then grew silent as he finished before standing up abruptly.

"I feel my power rising; this must be what they mean to go beyond!"He exclaimed with extreme joy, this of course got the attention of the others in the room.

"Lady sorceress , from this day forward I bestow you with title bringer of overwhelming power!"He added as he pointed at her with dramatic pose.

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