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Forums Serious Talk DEBATE GATE

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 17:27:53 )
Millet, spilling the tea:


The thread where we can share, discuss, and respectfully argue each other.
I thrive on debate. Heated discussion, passion? What could go wrong?
WELL, A LOT ACTUALLY. Which is why I’m laying ground rules now.

1) You acknowledge when you post your position here, it is open for anyone to respond to.

2) No Ad Hominem period(No, saying “My argument isn’t that she is stupid. My argument is detailed, but she is also stupid.” Kinda BS okay? No tearing people down PERIOD.)

3)All other fallacies use at your discretion, but others are allowed to call you out on them (r e s p e c t f u l l y). You can read about fallacies here: (Click) or you can watch a video on fallacies here: (Click) Video I haven’t watched so if it sucks I am sorry, please supplement me a better one.

4) Understand within yourself the difference between heated and flaming

5) Understand within yourself if the topic maybe too personal for you to be able to discuss back and forth. You’re not a lesser person for being able to say “I’m passionate about this, but I know if someone disagrees with me, I won’t sleep okay tonight.” Try to gauge the topic before participating in it. Your wellbeing comes first.

6) Objectively HATEFUL opinions and arguments are the only ones forbidden.
xRacism xSexism xhomophobic etc. Any position that limits human rights ”Blacks shouldn’t vote.” “Gay marriage is wrong.” etc are prohibited. .

7) It’s important to highlight a difference of objectively hateful, and legitimate speculations. If we want a debate about feminism in modern first world, so long as parties who claim to be against it are not basing their opinions from an anti-woman standpoint, are okay to present their arguments. (I am a feminist, personally.)
No one should be accused of hate speech or misogyny or other similar terms for opinions that do not reflect intent of repressing said “group” being discussed. If their position DOES aim to repress, or go against freedoms or rights THEN it would fall into hate speech.

8) We are all different, raised different, have different cultures. Zero excuse for poor behavior, and poor behavior will not be tolerated on Voltra as a whole. However, if someone accidentally says something that is considered offensive, education is key. ALLOW back and forth discussion on the manner. We can only grow to understand each other if we let each other talk. Am I just too naively positive that most people in the world don’t go out of their way to be scummy dirt? There’s underlying themes.

9) Once a person declares they are stepping away from a discussion/debate DO NOT tag them or continue responding, unless they stepped out making “a final point”. You are allowed to argue against the final point but do not tag that person. After your final point is made, that part of the discussion is over.

10) We are all human, none of us are professionals at arguing. except me(Jk)
So let’s not hammer down and scare off someone trying to get into a discussion but doesn’t know how to share their opinion in an organized manner. Anyone of any logic level can come join the discussion, and anyone can respond- but we want to promote DISCUSSION. So try to have your responses aimed at the same level as the person you are addressing.

11) Let us joke a little. It doesn’t have to be tight ties and heels. If a meme is relevant, it’s relevant. So long as we are aiming at IDEAS and not THE PERSON.

12) Reread your own post before submitting it. Check for your own tone and make sure it is how you intended it. Naturally something is going to be misunderstood, that’s okay. We need to give everyone a chance to clarify.

Will add more rules as needed, but I think this is good for now.

There is no winners here. Because determining that would be incredibly bias, no? I just want to create a healthy environment for us to butt heads but still be able to laugh and shake it off when we all leave the thread.
You get super duper extra bonus something points though if you change my mind on something.

Whoever feels inspired to discuss something, may do so here.
I’m not creating an opening topic purely because I am unsure of how
much this would appeal to others. If we get some fish biting the bait, then
I'll create a topic structure.


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 17:28:05 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

You can only win the Librarian if an actual heated debate goes down in here. Talking back and forth does not count!

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 17:28:16 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

(reserved 2)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 17:28:27 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

(reserved 3)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 17:28:38 )
Millet, spilling the tea:


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 18:15:50 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

@Sirlionelnigelconrad:It's a bit of a broad question to be able to genuinely tackle. So with that in mind, I am very supportive of free speech- but harassment is harassment.
I think there should be a separate level of legality in concerns to someone let's say, screaming at a gay couple at the grocery store that they are gross sinners. In public places, everyone should feel safe and welcomed to do what they are there to do and impeding on ones peace in a blatantly hateful manner and calling it 'free speech' is not okay by me, and should be punishable.

Preferably in a way that doesn't create a slippery slope like This astronomically unnecessary ruling.

I support boundaries. If you have dark humor, you can share your dark humor. If you don't like dark humor, you can click away from dark humor. I personally (anyone is free to debate me) reject the notion that allowing dark humor creates comfort(or reasonable excuse) in people to do the things the often sarcastic humor suggests. But if you are going out of your way to invade someones space or ability to just ' peacefully function' then that is the extent of your freedom of speech.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 18:50:31 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

So for twitter, I see it as it's own business and entity and for that- they are allowed to make their own rules wether I agree with them or not- ya know?
They aren't the government, they aren't in charge. Just another powerhouse social media, and it's up to them how they want to run things so long as they remain within the law. I support their right to make their own rules.

As for Canada, (Is that in full effect or still just a discussion? Last I knew it was extremely divided in opinion even on the political panels.)
forcing people to use genderless pronouns is not progressive to me. I cannot see force as progressive in any context. It doesn't invite conversation,
and it makes for opportunity for people to be charged as criminals- for really just being rude-if even that.

I'm a go with the flow person. If someone told me they desired me to use a certain pronouns for them- I would try. For the sake of ease of conversation and it that quells someones anxiety- cool. But that is my personal choice. And if someone took that choice away from me, I'd be infuriated. I think government has no place to rule over established/universal language and science. If we want to create terms, go for it. Give them solid definitions. And if people wish to be called by those terms, they are free to request that. If the person they are asking doesn't want to for the reason of "stop complexing language" they should be free to make that choice.

Which is different from someone walking up to someone whom is transexual or transgendered and intentionally using the pronouns as a means to attack, condescend and invalidate the person. Violating that space and and invalidating that persons existence falls to harassment for me.

Her/she Him/he is standard speech. When asserting Ze zer zim(and likewise) or wanting they and them in contexts that have been taught to be grammatically incorrect- shouldn't be enforced. Again, if someone said "Ariel please address me as 'Ze and zis."', I'd do so. I'd be annoyed and very likely mess up one hundred times, but if it makes them feel better- fine. Do I agree that this needs to become a mandated respect either legally or culturally? No. Because it is a slippery slope without any stopping points, and I say that as someone who has met and worked with a woman needing to be referred to as Pur/Sheow as she genuinely identifies with cats. She like- acknowledged she isn't a cat. But identifies very strongly with them and believes she was reborn from a cat and will be a cat again. She'd groom herself in the breakroom licking all over herself. If you were in the stall next to her you'd hear her kicking at the floor after going to the bathroom like flicking litter back into the box. I see this as mentally ill. I see this as someone who is a very nice person, but needs help and guidance so that she can function in society. She hissed at my other coworker. This is an extreme example but a literal one.
I don't want government telling us that everyone around her needs to call her Pur/Sheow or else it is a hate crime. It's absurd and enables her delusions that hse objectively needs help for. Forcing this stops the conversation of getting her help if we all need to tolerate she isn't male or female but cat. (Cat is not a gender but when we say gender is infinite and people can be anything this can be dangerous TO the sufferer.)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/11/27 21:28:02 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

It still boils down to "I don't like it but it's their right." for Twitter and other likelihoods. And these social media sites came to power through popular use from we the people. Ultimately so long as we all have accounts and are active on these sites we unintentionally support them. Until the next big thing. When and where will that be? Well yeah it'd take another rich guy. Facebook and twitter came in at key times during the internet letting itself build. Now that it's a social media monopoly vs monopoly the chances of a smaller site having the same chances as Facebook did in early days- is slim to none.

I had naive and brief hopes Facebook was going to get a solid wipe after the data controversy but even though their stocks took a hit and trust showed in surveys significantly declined- use is still very high and obviously there's little to no competition that could have effectively swooped in, anyway. How a site with minimal to zero human support could thrive beats me. (Color me still petty over being banned for a week a few years ago because I said older legendary pokemon felt more official. I deleted facebook back in June and hope to forever stay off.) The only key hope at this point, is that the number one age pool deleting their Twitter and Facebook apps- is teenagers.

It's all a terrible circle of >they have a right to do this >so join something that appeals to your ethics more >oh there isn't any > >make your own
>statistically likely to crash burn and fail unless you already have the big money > w h e l p

When your power leaks into law, that's when government can intervene and power goes hand in hand with that.
(Do you have a link btw about your point on apple? Just curious about what you are referencing. :) )

We ignorantly fuel our own demises and feel stuck. And how lovely and convenient (in the US) we have a terrible education system to pair with that,
so that being able to identify and influence these shifts from middle and lower class perspective is unlikely. :/
Do I want it all changed?
Too much time
too much effort
too much money
too much needed collectivity
that a intellectually lazy society has
effectively rendered nearly impossible.

I'm perfectly guilty with my prime membership and boxes of kids gifts arrived from Amazon- arguably one of the worst ones of them all. :/

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/1 12:34:25 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

More so I thimk like:

>Do I think a government should intervene with any businesses terms of service that doesnt violate any laws?: Absolutely, not.

>Do I think we need better laws concerning monopolies and additionally excessively horded wealth? Yes. I support tax brackets as well.

Without proper legal definitions being discussed & established- this kinda thing won't cease.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/3 16:28:25 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Voting and electing is supposed to slow down potential tyranny and bias interests.xp

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/5 22:59:10 )

(Oh forgot to check back here haha.)

And yes that article ties right along with the link I posted above about the man and his pug.
Regardless if anyone agrees with another's position or not, we should have the freedom to voice our positions.
Voicing a position is much different than rallying action of course.

The article that links out from the article you posted concerning the teachers suspension was curious.
At first it was worded as if he intentionally due to his religious beliefs was invalidating the transgendered student.
But then the wording flips to he genuinely had no idea, just read the name off a attendance sheet and used the pronoun he
knew translated to 'hers'. If he was really suspended for going off the paperwork in front of him o_O; the wording was
a bit bouncy on what actually transpired with that one.

The other sub article concerning the woman with the Lesbian daughter could also go either way, but I do take the
unpopular stance that we shouldn't be blocking hormones in teenagers. I acknowledge and support the rights
of needing to change ones sex, but I can't ignore there is quite a large number of people who were convinced that was what
they wanted and presently regret it. Because of professionals failing to rule out other reasons why one is self loathing their body.
So if it happened as that mother detailed, she is right to be upset that the VERY FIRST visit with a therapist they wanted her daughter
on hormone blockers to start transitioning. I feel like that might be exaggerated but these stories are all one sided anecdotes.
The idea of a professional looking at a depressed teenager and determining within half an hour they need to switch sex ASAP bugs me.

Freedom of speech for everyone's sake needs to be a genuine right maintained and protected regardless if it means we need to hear
differing opinions. I support people creating safe spaces to either feel welcomed or to air out their thoughts without contention and thus
think sites making rules to make that sort of space is okay. Yeah they are the 'big heads' but again we made them that. I'm surprised there
hasn't been another rising social media site mimicking a structure close to facebook or twitter with either the A) true free speech terms of service or
B) terms catering to alternative outlooks. It's not like liberals are the only rich people, let alone involved in cooperations. I don't think they are even the majority? (though I couldn't source that, I ain't polling the top 100 buisnesses that also have funds in government lol)


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/7 17:52:01 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Matcha = My side account because I like to decorate two avatars...if that is what you are asking ^^;

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