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Forums Serious Talk A Rant about giving Free art on my end

Voltie — Tenno Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 07:45:03 )

So I did get a message back from the owner of the OC, she was pretty cool about it and everything and did ask me to repost it. I probably freaked out for nothing, but it still didn't make me think of the worse. It isn't uncommon on Gaia when someone comes in saying that they had their OC stolen. Its pretty uncool when someone does crap like that. :/

Ok, so I was unaware that I was drawing someone's OC with out permission on a freebie thread that I did on Gaia, right? Well, I didn't know about this til I checked Twitter tonight.

The person that tweeted me was kind enough to let me know that it was there character. I had two options: Take it down or Credit them. I would have credited them, but I took it down since it was drawn without permission by them. They are aware that someone is requesting art of their character but that was on Tumblr. Even though the person in question said it was for a friend on Gaia. If they credited their friend when making the request, I would have added that into my tweet.

Since it isn't possible to edit tweets, I thought it would be best to just remove it completely. Til the original owner messages me back, it will stay down unless they want me to put it back up. It only seems respectful that way.

Don't get me wrong, I love to draw Original Characters. They are really interesting and usually fun to draw. But... If you do not own the character, don't request art of it without crediting your friend or just in general. I find it really sweet for someone to do that for a friend, I really do. I have had a friend request/pay for art of our characters together. Like, if you wanted it to be a surprise for them, then that is also reasonable. But if the person is posting it up some where like dA, Twitter, Instagram, or any other site that you can make comments on the images, then PLEASE for the love of god, credit your friend for their character!

I'll be honest with you, if I posted that up on discord and imgbox and only sent the link, I wouldn't have known that I drew a stolen OC without permission.

I will tell you this now, I don't mind drawing for free at times. It gives me something to do as well as give me practice. But this pretty much ruins it for me. I will still do Original Characters, but now I just have to place down an extra rule on my freebie threads. Heck, I'm not even sure if anyone READS the damn rules!

What do you guys think?

Also, I know the title seems pretty bad, but I hope reading the rant gave a bit more clarification. Like, I do request free art on Gaia a whole lot, but I usually don't expect anything since its more of trail and error. You'll either get free art or not. Heck, as someone who draws for free at times, I am pretty picky on who I draw. So I'm not bashing anyone who doesn't want to draw anyone in a freebie thread. You are the artist, you draw what ever you want to draw. Usually when I post in about 5 or more free art threads on Gaia, I usually don't expect to get drawn. Half the time, I forget that I even posted down my request.

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 11:09:12 )
You gotta @Mention me.

I don't really get it.
Are some people really that possessive of their OCs that they dislike it when others draw art of them without permission?
I would have thought they'd be thrilled to see someone take interest in their OC.


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Voltie — Tenno Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 11:23:26 )

@Rallaa: Pretty much, and I'm pretty thrilled when anyone decides to draw my characters.

I did check their tumblr where they did post saying they believe someone was getting art of their OC without permission. It even stated on their tumblr that they didn't want people to draw their character unless they gave said permission. I could tell by looking at the blog post that it was worked out, but they did post up the chibi that I drew and posted up. They did give credit, but I did already take it down. They tweeted me asking about it 10 or so hours ago, and I think before I could respond, they had the issue resolved, but didn't let me know. I work night shift, so its not like I can check all of the social networks I am on all the time. Usually when I wake up, my mind is in other places.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 18:57:49 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I think the issue is,

Person A initially designed that OC.

Person B, isn't actually associated with person A. But wants art of person A's OC,
so that she or her friend (who also isn't correlated to person A) can claim it as their
own OC?

It is a weird situation overall regardless. Sometimes OC's get popular if its in fanfics and such,
to which people would want fan art of said characters just as they would from other forms of
media such as video games and tv shows. I don't see the big deal unless the person who commissioned
you is trying to claim that she or her friend designed the OC when they didn't. Which wouldn't be your
Fault at all and it seems like person A knows that. >.<

The art community as a whole has been hostile over several silly things though. Even presently still
people are claiming others are stealing their "color pallets" ....because people aren't allowed to use the
same colors as someone was a blow up on youtube over one artist drawing a unicorn with
pastels, and another artist two weeks later also drew a unicorn with pastels. The first person started
a riot over it...because you know....pastels and unicorns are super original.../sarcasm

Voltie — Tenno Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 20:35:40 )

@Q t e a p o n: Pretty much what I was thinking. But I personally think its unfair that they asked me to take it down when it is clearly placed up on their Tumblr. Granted, they did give me credit, but they didn't even let me know that they posted it up on there. I did offer to put it back up for them via direct message, but they didn't say anything back. In some ways, I think I am freaking out for no reason, but this really put a damper on my mood to draw in general now. :/

I also agree with you, gift art is both a surprise and wonderful. Heck, if someone wanted to draw one of my characters that was a complete WIP, I wouldn't mind it as much. Plus I'm pretty sure it would give me some more ideas for the character, if not revamp them with how the person drew the character in question.

@Millet: That's from what I am guessing too. But since person B requested it in a freebie thread, I decided to draw it since I loved the design of said character. According to Person A's tumblr post, they talked with person B and found out that it was fan art requested. But since I didn't get the whole story behind it, I honestly thought I drew a stolen design. I took it down since they asked. It would have been fine if they sent me a message saying everything was cool and I can repost it if I want to, since I am pretty proud of what I drew. But I have gotten no word.

I also agree with you on the art community too. Plus I stopped posting my art on dA (for personal reasons), plus I honestly got sick of the damn trolls on there. I had one person claim something that I drew originally was stolen art from someone else. I even checked that said artist that I 'stole' from. It was no where. I also stopped putting my art up on dA all together as well. It seems to me that on there, the people that get the most views are the really good people (not like they don't deserve it) or clear as day troll accounts. I can't tell you how many troll accounts I found that had over 1k followers. :/ The only reason why I started posting my art up online again was for my best friend. She asked me to. She really loves seeing my work.
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