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Forums General Chit-Chat We all eventually die

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/10 21:27:22 )
@Eruca: reincarnating into a tree would be so awesome. i would honestly love that. snails are so chill too.
previously keef with a k

Donator — pancake Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/10 21:44:12 )
@Eruca: it really is. The only thing holding me back from that sweet emptiness is my fur babies. :<

Donator — Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/11 17:43:55 )
@keef: I agree. As long as I'm a tree in like surburbia or out in the country. I'd prefer those over like a fruit orchard or a botanical garden or something.

@blinkini: Maybe they can help you recover a little from the exhaustedness?

Voltie — _xe@insta Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/11 21:38:57 )
The thought of inevitable death makes me think life is pointless.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to act out or anything. I'm living in the now and worrying about something I have no control over or letting that fact control me isn't going to benefit me in any way.

I just hope when it happens it isn't painful or scary. I'm scared of pain.

Donator — Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/11 23:18:08 )
@x: Why does death make life meaningless? Doesn't the fact that you are experience life (such as it is) right now make it meaningful? Doesn't it make what you do now all the more important?

What's the point if you live forever? You never need to do anything Now, you still have the rest of eternity. So why bother doing anything at all?

I'm scared of pain too... But I associate it with being alive rather than dying.

Voltie — _xe@insta Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/12 02:06:13 )
i forgot to mention before posting so not sure if that goes through.. o:
@Eruca: Once you die you're just gone. Nothing. Whenever i dwell on that i wonder if any of this is real.
My mother forced her Christian beliefs on me growing up so i can't totally dismiss the idea of an afterlife.
I don't find experiencing life meaningful but i guess that could mean i'm not experiencing life?

I doubt I want to live forever but all those stories of characters with eternal life seem like they all end up knowing a ton of stuff with a ton of money. So it would be cool to live long enough to obtain all that and enjoy whatever i wanted to do in life.

I just don't like physical pain.

Donator — Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/04/13 04:05:03 )
@x: If there's nothing after death, then the fact that everything will be more "not-real" than they are Now, imo, makes all of this especially "real" and compelling in comparison.

A lot changed in the past 100 years. A lot more would change in an eternity. In the grand scheme of things, because eternity is one of the grandest schemes, it doesn't mean much to have money and knowledge if you're not having a good time. And all that can change overnight. Money can become worthless and knowledge, obsolete. If that's what eternal life is going to be like, I'd rather not. I only need to experience that kind of up and down ZERO times.

Although. If we did manage to figure out how to live forever, maybe there'd be less variation in the population as well and so fewer causes for change on that scale... Who knows... But I'd rather have someone else find out.
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