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Forums Entertainment Transformers?

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/23 01:12:07 )
Big ol' long shot, is anyone here a Transformers fan? Let's chat about it, I have a lot of feelings about these bots.

let's talk any series! My favourite iterations are Transformers Prime and the IDW comics, especially More Than Meets the Eye and Lost Light! Basically the only property I don't really know a lot about is the Bayverse movies, just because.. they're not for me.
(that and Kiss Players but I like to pretend that doesn't exist because it's evil)

I guess I'll get the conversation started with some topics: Who's your favourite characters? And also, Autobots or Decepticons?

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/8 04:39:25 )
@ghost: Hey, go figure there's a TF thread way in the back!

My favorite continuities are also probably TFP and IDW, haha, though I also melt for Rescue Bots (thrilled that they're doing a spinoff).
Favorite characters... vary by continuity LOL, I can't pick just a few (and ask me to rank them? I just can't). But for TFP it's probably... Ratchet, Knockout and Starscream? I mean there's so many others but those three come to mind first. :') In IDW I do have a #1 fave: Chromedome. I'm not caught up on Lost Light and I'm currently dying because I need to save money, but... COMICS.

Autobots or Decepticons... probably Autobots, strictly because JRo has made me soft for the gay boys in IDW... *cries*

How about you? Are you in any other robot fandoms? *side-eyes my weird robot sports anime*

(also this is an itty bitty thread necro but... no sense in creating a new TF thread.)
dear Lord I need a new signature someone help me

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