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Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 17:09:43 )

I can only imagine how it's like to play sports with long hair, thankfully there's hairbands and stuff. XD But she definitely looks like a fighter! What would you say her weapons of choice are?
So, my babe is named Olive and she's the daughter of the chief of the tribe. Her father is accepting of her being gay but at the same time wants her to marry this creepy tough orc for the sake of the tribe. So she's like "heck nah" and fights the dude then goes onto an adventure. She's good with her fists. LOL


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 17:19:05 )

@candiedaliens: She fights with 2 shortswords in a very reckless manner haha, no shields and really light leather armor. She basically leaps into battle with her bonded wolf and they take down things together. The wolf can knock enemies down and she will stabby stab. She was married before but left her marriage because her husband was close minded and petty. When she decided to leave the tribe and explore the world he framed her for a crime and she had to spend some time in solitary confinement. So that marriage didnt end too well haha

Your character is a princess kinda! She seems really cool. I think our characters would be friends if they met.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 17:49:43 )

@saeyra: Haha so she's just kind of like... A more elegant brute. HAHA I think it's so cool that she has a wolf companion that helps her with fighting. She's very tactical in that way. Awww sheesh at least she's not with that dude anymore, that type of person always limits possibilities. But holy cow, was that dude like.... A higher up or something? She dealt with a lot, but I'm sure it made her super strong mentally.

Kinda! HAHA Bc it's kind of a smaller tribe of a hundred or so, it was more like she was just super well known no matter where she went. XD Her dad is a super nice guy but strict in his own ways. But they definitely would be!


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 18:13:00 )

@candiedaliens: Yep wood elves are really close to nature so I would assume they learn to fight by watching how animals do it. My character's dad is a druid so he kept trying to teach her druid spells when she was younger but she isn't very smart so she only knows a few. And even the ones she does know don't succeed very often and its really hilarious.

I believe our characters would be like "Books? Who needs those, lets go hunt some monsters!!!!"

Do you by any chance play DnD?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/24 01:37:40 )

@saeyra: I think that's a cool assumption! I would think that too, and I'm sure they're great hunters and gatherers. But a druid! I mean, at least she knows SOME, somewhat. Haha I think she's an awesome character. She's very well developed too!

I would think the same! LOL They are definitely not book smart, that's for sure! HAHA They're probably very straightforward as well.

I do not! I have never known how to start? I don't know how to play and stuff. LOL ALTHOUGH I DO KNOW that if I start, I'll be trapped. HAHA It's so cool and there's so many possibilities. A lot of people have created a ton of cool characters from it too so I've been eyeing it.


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/24 11:16:55 )

@candiedaliens: Aww I would love to teach you how to play. You have to get quite familiar with the rules but the latest edition 5e is super newb friendly and you can start playing really quickly if you have a really patient dungeon master. You kinda learn as you play so don't be afraid to jump in even if you are new. Other players and the DM will usually help you out, they know its a very hard game to learn and most players still need to look up the rules even after years of playing.

Here is the table I used to flesh out my character. Maybe it might be helpful for you

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 23:58:54 )
@saeyra: I almost forgot to come back on! But aww thank you! I will read up on it a ton, but I figured it'd be that type of game, learn as you go! But I definitely should see if any of my friends play. Haha I think my mom used to play when she was younger. I'm going to look some stuff up so that I can see if I have the attention span to play it! Haha

AWW thank you!!! I'm definitely bookmarking that so I can create some dnd inspired characters!

Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 08:56:49 )

@candiedaliens: Well don't forget to come back everyday! The event has just started and I think there will be daily games! And if you have any questions about DnD you can always ask me haha. I have been planning to create a DnD hangout for some time and with the new dice and RNG feature its gonna be perfect!

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 00:20:58 )

@saeyra: HAHA OH MAN I did forget but now I'm going to be on everyday. So I'll definitely be super active. But thank you!!!! AWW yeah that'd be a ton of fun! I'll definitely message you if I have any questions!


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 11:03:21 )

@candiedaliens: Perfect time to get commissions because its super active! :vanora_smile:

Always ping me please.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 21:01:18 )

@saeyra: !!! That's very true! Great idea haha!


I'm randomly active bc of anxiety!

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