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Forums Serious Talk How do you feel about abortion?

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 22:39:42 )
I don't think that it should be used as a regular form of birth control. However, I do believe that it's the woman's choice. That being said, if it's between a couple, I do believe that both parties should be informed. In the end, however, the woman is the one who has to carry the child, so I do support her right to make the decision, even if the partner doesn't agree. (Whether the partner be male or female, it doesn't matter)

I believe that there are a lot of different and acceptable reasons for getting an abortion. I would agree that some are more "selfish" than others, but they're all valid, for the most part. I don't necessarily think abortion should be "celebrated" and spoken about as if it's something happy, because I do believe that it's sad and can certainly have lasting emotional effects on people, but I also don't believe it should be shunned and hidden away.

I feel that whatever someone wants to do with their body is between them and their doctor(s). It's got nothing to do with me, so it's none of my business. It's not hurting me or anyone else. Whether or not you believe it's hurting the fetus is an entirely different matter, and one that I think has been scientifically disproved.

I believe abortion should be legal everywhere, if not for the fact that it's not anyone's business but the party involved, but also for safety reasons. I would much rather a young girl get a legal, sterile, safe procedure than have it done at home, or in some country that isn't nearly as safe.

Please @ me to get my attention. C:

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 04:03:47 )
I can understand how this can be a conflicting issue for so many people, but it's not all black and white. There are many gray areas and they should be considered before making a choice of whether or not it should be legal. And it's also important to note, that even if abortion became illegal, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. People would still find a way to abort a fetus, even if that meant going back to using coat-hangers. Keeping abortion legal simply allows individuals to have a safe method of terminating a pregnancy.

Do we want more deaths because of girls using a coat hanger to attempt to tear the damned thing out of her?
Legalized and completely available abortions are FAR safer, more clean, and far less likely to result in massive problems - possible death from internal bleeding because they punctured something - for the would-be mother.

[Also, sorry about the second post here ^^ ;; ]

I just noticed that you commented on this. It seems a lot of people overlook this issue when they say "abortion should be illegal." It's going to happen either way, so why not keep it safe and legal to do so?

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