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Forums Games Soulsborne

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/18 13:10:17 )
So I know most of you have heard about Dark Souls and/or Bloodborne. Yeah, that game with a reputation for being hellishly difficult, and having a toxic community where most people's best advice is "git gud."

I haven't seen anyone post about it being a game they've enjoyed, though, and that makes me a little sad since it's one of my favorite series, and From Software's only hit. Kind of like League of Legends is Riot's only game.

So if you HAVE played it, what moments have been great? What do you like about it?

If you haven't, why not? Does it look ugly? Does the reputation scare you away? Have you seen a Youtuber die many many times?

Donator — he/they Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 10:28:16 )

i have seen quite a few things for these games and watched a few videos but dam
i've never played it because i get so easily frustrated with hard games XD

i do love the style of it, and i love that the game does have such a challenging aspect to it.


just a gloomy ghost

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 16:29:42 )
@Lance: LOL, I know what you mean! I hate getting blocked from progression and Soulsborne has done that to me more times than I can count, but finally overcoming such a challenging obstacle is very satisfying.

This is going to be kind of a tangent, but my wake-up call in DS2 was in a fight with THREE individuals who can pretty much one shot you if you mess up. I had to utilize everything I had by that point which... wasn't much because it's pretty early on. I was shaking by the end just from focusing so hard on not dying (like I had before... COUNTLESS times) but it still remains one of my favorite moments in a game.

and ya, tieswithundertalefandom

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