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Forums Serious Talk This is going to sound bad. /abusive ex, cont/

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 17:01:51 )

If you read my post about my abusive ex, then that's who this is about. Since we broke up, I've obviously been dealing with some emotional stuff, missing him and all that, even though I know that he's no good for me. And now I've started to notice that I literally don't have attraction to anyone else. I mean, if someone is good looking, I notice, but I just really have no feelings one way or another. I've tried to talk to people and hang out, tried to get going out there again, and I just have no attraction towards anyone. I really miss my ex, and I really feel like I messed up, and I honestly just want him back. I don't want anyone else, as stupid and odd as it sounds. I know he's abusive and disgusting, but I can't stop thinking about him. I mean, is this just something that happens? Because I ended a seven year relationship earlier this year and I didn't feel nearly the same way at all. @____@;; Sorry to post so many rants and topics based on this same thing, but I just have no one I can talk to about this. I need some opinions, some different views, I guess. I feel a little unhinged.

Please @ me to get my attention. C:

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 21:11:12 )
@GaySpaceTrash: I think what you are feeling is normal, because you are a loyal person and your heart is still set on one person.
I think it's beyond great that you can see that someone is no good for you leave even though you still love him. Most people wouldn't be able to do it and they would make excuses for themselves as for why to stay, but not you. You did the hard thing, the right thing, and I wish that others did the same.
I think that this would be a great time to get into your old hobbies or make new ones. I person like music, anime, avatar sites, video games, Pokemon Go. All of those things help me through rough times and I also do them when happy as well. I don't know what your hobbies are, but keeping yourself active on here might help. You can chat with all of us about lots of different things in different forums. Oh and you aren't Trash, don't think so negatively of yourself.
By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

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