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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 01:48:55 )

@star2000shadow: That's wonderful x3 Congratulations.

thanks its amazing not having any pain makes the world so much..more interesting. so how goes yoru day?

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 06:33:31 )
@koneko: What is dolma? o-o
@star2000shadow: My day was good, almost at an end. Yeah, as someone who suffers from photophobia I get not enjoying pain.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 06:36:48 )

@koneko: What is dolma? o-o
@star2000shadow: My day was good, almost at an end. Yeah, as someone who suffers from photophobia I get not enjoying pain.

I've had nothign but pain somewhere in my body for the past five years. especially in my right leg as it's healed from a bad infection that built up before it broke out.. 'makes face' my day went slwo but good.

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 15:03:00 )
@star2000shadow: Well I was born with photophobia that's never gotten better or worse. It just means light sensitivity. The severity I have always had it is the level where it causes headaches and slows down my thinking, so I understand how bothersome constant pain can get. There have been multiple times where I've had to go home and try to recover myself, despite wanting to get other things done. Slow but good is nice? Since it means you got to savor the sweet.
@koneko: Ohhhh, that sounds very delicious.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 15:08:03 )

@star2000shadow: Well I was born with photophobia that's never gotten better or worse. It just means light sensitivity. The severity I have always had it is the level where it causes headaches and slows down my thinking, so I understand how bothersome constant pain can get. There have been multiple times where I've had to go home and try to recover myself, despite wanting to get other things done. Slow but good is nice? Since it means you got to savor the sweet.
@koneko: Ohhhh, that sounds very delicious.

my mom had the same thing. Photophobia, she also had a sensitivity to light as well. her skin would get hives, and or lead to, as she's passed on..but anyways, i get headaches if I've been in a lot of light for a long period of time i get mega migraines. its why i keep the apartment windows covered sot aht i cut down how much light i take in that way when i do go outside i don't end up with migraines.

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 15:22:34 )
@star2000shadow: Ah, my sensitivity is only in the eyes. My skin doesn't burn easily. I'm sorry about your mother~ It sounds like you have photophobia worse than me. Indoor and outdoor lights effect me, but I usually manage to avoid getting migraines. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't handle the headaches as well as I do, being outside is so fun... even if it's a limited thing.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 15:43:56 )

@star2000shadow: Ah, my sensitivity is only in the eyes. My skin doesn't burn easily. I'm sorry about your mother~ It sounds like you have photophobia worse than me. Indoor and outdoor lights effect me, but I usually manage to avoid getting migraines. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't handle the headaches as well as I do, being outside is so fun... even if it's a limited thing.

I'm..Happy with being able to be out, and at least if im out a full day, I only get a migraine the next day.
Right now Its the leg giving me the most problems, though now that i have the proper wraps going on, event aht's better and i do have a pillt hat helps some what. or at least enough that its even.

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 16:30:32 )
@star2000shadow: Ahh, if i'm out too long then I get a migraine that day. Well, everyones bodies work different. I'm glad you have the proper leg wraps~

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/8 21:59:23 )

@star2000shadow: Ahh, if i'm out too long then I get a migraine that day. Well, everyones bodies work different. I'm glad you have the proper leg wraps~

'winces' ochies..i don't think i'd like getting it the same day..that would suck..all though strangely our walmarts lights.. those suckers give me a migraine the same day if im int here to long 'makes face' and thank you I'm greatfull..not so greatfull for the itchy again but meh. if it heals the wounds im happy.

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/9 00:14:26 )
@star2000shadow: Yeah, the migraines basically my bodies way of saying 'GO HOME NOW' xD; Itchy is definitely something to tolerate if it helps you. If your legs heal, then you will be able to walk without it?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/9 00:48:09 )

@star2000shadow: Yeah, the migraines basically my bodies way of saying 'GO HOME NOW' xD; Itchy is definitely something to tolerate if it helps you. If your legs heal, then you will be able to walk without it?

well no i have leg wraps i ahve to wear for life, but at least it could be cut down to just one wrap once it heals 'nods'

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/9 09:55:58 )
@star2000shadow: Ah, for life? I thought you said the pain was from an infection?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/9 13:16:42 )

@star2000shadow: Ah, for life? I thought you said the pain was from an infection?

the pain is, the wraps are for life, or at elast a compression wrap, the rest of the stuff is until the wounds on my leg heal. once those are gone i only have one wrap to worrie about and thats only to keep my leg from swelling bad enough to cause more wounds..its.. complicated. so how goes your morning?

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/10 02:42:57 )
@star2000shadow: It sounds very complicated o-o; My morning went well, nice food and coffee~ Afternoon was nice as well. Spring semester classes start next week, so I should enjoy time now while I can. Classes will leave me in the library most of the hours of most days^^;

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/10 03:01:11 )

@SnakeWeaver: not a bad place to be, the library i mean 'nods'

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/10 09:30:25 )
@star2000shadow: Do you enjoy going there?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/10 14:53:16 )

@SnakeWeaver: i do i just haven't gone int he while especially during the winter as its ahrder for me to walk on ice and snwo, i tend to yeah.

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/12 00:03:03 )
@star2000shadow: Ahh, it doesn't snow where I live. For some reason its either always too cold or too warm to cause snow, that or its just now a rainy day day X-x yay to hail? We definitely get hail~

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/12 17:06:41 )

@SnakeWeaver: we get hail occasionally. mostly small, but it definetly stings if you dont' ahve gloves and a hat 'nods'. right now Im just happy the roommate fixed the livign room vents. while its not warm, its defiently no lonber freezing in the living room. I'll definetly take it haha.

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Donator — Sea Snake Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/13 05:07:47 )
@star2000shadow: Thankfully I have somehow always ended up indoors already every time it hails here XD; I've heard it can suck to be caught in it, it looks bad to, but I've never had to test it myself~
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