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Forums General Chit-Chat Nightmares & Stress Dreams

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/7 16:03:28 )

So we've had a pantry/clothes moth problem in our house for a while, mostly because roommate doesn't clean her bird's cage properly/regularly. She then places blame on the dry dog food, because the moths get in there (ew), but it's obviously not the source. ANYWAY.

Finally this morning, I had a nightmare that I couldn't seem to wake up from (kept half waking up and falling back asleep into it) that moths had gotten into the sweet bread mixes I have, and it grossed me out so bad I considered throwing them out irl (and I've got like eight) because of it.

So that's been my day so far. XD

Anyone else have a stress dream/nightmare (or just interesting dream in general) lately?


Voltie — Caffeine Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/7 19:22:39 )
There is protection from near everything, from fire and damages from storm and frost

Oof, smdh at your roommate. Cleanliness issues aside, that poor bird doesn't deserve to live in squalor! And then to gaslight you about the issue? Not very cash money! I imagine you don't want to rock the boat considering you have to live with her though and can absolutely relate / understand that sentiment.

I dreamt a lot as a kid / teen; had some recurring dreams, many vivid dreams, and one particular lucid dream that was amazing (I was Raven from Teen Titans [ayyy] and was able to use all her powers, including flight) as well as other lucid dreams that were grounded in reality, but still very surreal and had me fact-checking Real Life™ the next day.

A couple years back I did have a stress dream in which I was losing all my teeth (-10/10 do not recommend); and had a very strange, disturbing vivid dream as a teen which I honestly don't even want to describe--it was that unsettling--that was probably induced by stress as well.

These days I'm usually tired enough to be out like a light and don't remember my dreams, which kinda sucks because sometimes they were really amazing; though other times it ended with sleep paralysis, or waking up really disoriented, and those were not amazing.

Are your mixes stored in airtight containers? I always gazed longingly at the sets of dry storage canisters at the store cause who doesn't want a Pinterest-worthy pantry? But always passed them up cause I couldn't really justify the expense... until a spider fell out of a bag of rice that I'd just stuck my hand into. :x

oh, add whichever blows may come to mind, but there is no protection from mankind.
There is protection from near everything, from fire and damages from storm and frost;
oh, add whichever blows may come to mind, but there is no protection from mankind.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/8 03:29:26 )

I know, I feel bad for the poor bird, but I'm also not going to start cleaning up after her pets. I already help take care of her dog, and feed/water the bird if she's not home. But yeah she's also my landlord, so definitely don't want to rock the boat. :I

My dreams are always very vivid but that also leads to vivid nightmares. Bleh.

Ooh, I've been through sleep paralysis, yeah, not fun. Nor waking up disoriented, which still happens to me once in a while but used to be much worse.

The mixes are still in the plastic bags inside their boxes, so hopefully they're not compromised like my stupid dream tried to tell me they were. And oh nooo, ew. That'd get me to buy good canisters asap, too!

Please ping me!

Donator — PomePome Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/8 10:12:53 )
So does it count as animal cruelity???? Yes i think it does! Clean your Bird roommate!!!!
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/8 17:42:49 )
    I don't miss living with room mates. I had some great ones, but I also had some of the trashiest and most disgusting women as room mates. I would spend the evening cleaning the kitchen after dinner, making sure all of the dishes were cleaned and put away. In the morning--almost without fail--this one woman would bake muffins or cook bacon, leave a massive goopy/greasy mess, and then use the serving bowls as storage by placing a fucking plate over them and then pushing them into the refrigerator. She was so gross, and so rude.

    I have no problem telling just about everyone I know that she also got so intoxicated she would just pee on the floor.

    Another one would leave her little dog with us and take off on vacations all the time. She would say something like "Okay, I'll see you later," and leave. You'd think, oh, she's going for an errand. Nope, one week she would leave and not tell anyone AND not leave any food for her animal. We would care for it, train it, and then she would come back and bitch that we didn't buy dog food for her animal then untrain it.

    I don't miss that place and I honestly hope they all lead horrible lives.

Voltie — It or She Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/11/9 19:50:06 )
I never have nightmare but I did have a dream where was this girl and she was running from the cops but she a little like my mom she was getting help from these two boys and my mom and dad was there they where looking at this halfway done house that needed a lot of attention but It was like was the girl but I was also watching her at the same time. It was bazaar but It was the same as my creepypasta dreams that feel as if I am in another world. Oooh There was this one dream where I was watching this baby girl ( watch as in I was viewing her life not taking care of her) bu the baby was suppose to be me and my bio mom was taking really good care of her but my bio dad was running from something and he was running on roof tops. I didn't see my older brothers. I was just baby me and my nice caring( which is a surprise) Bio mom

If you couldn't tell by me saying Bio Mom and Bio Dad I am adopted and have been since I was 13. And yes I know my Bio Parents I just don't talk to them.

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