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Voltie — It or She Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/1 20:42:06 )
I am reading multiple mangas rn and i want to see the animes but some of the mangas I have read don't have an anime show to it so if there is a manga that you want to talk about or say that the anime is trash and the manga is better you can do it here. Have fun and talk shit about mangas or Animes that are down right horrible

Voltie — she/they Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 14:50:03 )
I will never forgive the studio that made the Dorohedoro anime adaptation for this one detail. Never. They refused to make that show 18+ and give it the love it deserved. It's extremely gory and with quite a lot of profanity, it's dark and grimy and the manga makes you FEEL the dirt crawling under your fingernails, but they couldn't make the show that way too because they'd miss out on a lot of viewers (that's what most anime studios think at least but we know every edgy 14 yr old would still watch the show) so they decided to censor a lot of stuff, hide the violence a little, even cut parts out of the story because they were too gross!! But those parts are what made the manga stand out from all the other stuff!!
I love that they did experiment with a lot of 3 models and such, it's very well made and it was a very fun watch, but it's just not the same without the gore and all the painful amount of detail Q Hayashida put in the manga. Too bad it's a pain to collect bc very few stores even sell it and options for manga in general are extremely limited where I'm from

all hail the gay mushrooms

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