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Forums Serious Talk I'm late

Donator — squid Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:02:19 )
I'm a week late. My period is never late (maybe a day late but that's about it) so I took a test and it came up negative. I looked up reasons it could be and none are applicable to me. No intense exercise, no massive weight gain or loss, I'm not stressed. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do. The last time I had the sex was a week ago, then 2 weeks before that, so if it was pregnancy I think it would show up on a test by now?

Donator — ♥? Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:24:17 )

No, if you got impregnanted last week it’s still pretty early for an accurate reading, if you’re stressing about your period being late, you can potentially be stressing your body out even more.

Your period can be late up to a week before you should pose any real concern. Literally anything can throw it off.


Donator — squid Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:40:15 )
@Peachy: I havent been stressing about it too much, if I'm pregnant I'm pregnant and I'll be thrilled cause I've always wanted kids lol. It's a week late now, should I be concerned and make a doc appt or wait a little longer? I've never been in this situation before haha

Donator — ♥? Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:43:34 )

@nyx: i would give it a bit longer, grab another test. If it’s negative and you’re still not confident, go to the doctors.
I’m happy that you would be happy with w/e the outcome.

I used to be a chronic pregnancy test buyer bc my periods aren’t normal at all, and I was always scared of being pregnant (I want lots of kids, just not ready yet)

But yeah, maybe another 4 days at most.


Donator — squid Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:50:17 )
@Peachy: I've honestly wanted kids since I was like 12 haha. I'm 30 now with no kids, so if I were it would be a great thing. My periods had always been regular as hell so a late one was definitely out of the ordinary. Thanks so much for the advice, I'll wait a bit longer and take another one.

Donator — ♥? Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:54:22 )

@nyx: It’s really good when you know that’s what you want in life.

I had a come around when I turned 20, before that I didn’t think I’d ever want kids haha

No problem~ I hope things turn out the best for you

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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:56:37 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I always give it two periods, once I miss the second one I then take a test. Has only happened twice to me in my life neither of which were pregnancy for me- my body just hates schedules. :P and would bleed for two weeks to compensate ha fml

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 01:06:23 )
Fae Says --->

if you changed your diet in a somewhat significant way since your last period, it could be that too

but sometimes people just get pregnant and then have a miscarage within the first 2-3 weeks after fertilization, so they don't notice beyond "huh I was late this cycle" - that's when it really looks like just a bundle of cells, what we consider looking humanoid/baby-ish doesn't start forming in a recognizable way until around week 3/4 :>

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Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 01:30:21 )
@nyx: I just wanted to add my well wishes!

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 01:58:11 )

@nyx: I'm gonna echo what was said. You really have no reason to worry yet.

I also want to add this: If you are taking birth control, it CAN affect your cycle if you miss some, start it late, miss a month, etc.
(Speaking from experience. I missed a month once, didn't get my rag that month. That was... weird)

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 02:30:13 )
Everyone has given spot on advice! I’d definitely just wait.

There was this one time in college that I got a steroid shot for allergies and I missed that month. My mom said the same thing has happened to her before. My body overcompensated though and I had one for an entire month. That was awful.

Good luck to you!
(I’m 2 days late right now, but literally feel like I could start at any second)

Also, my cycle always shifts when I’m around different women. My work is mostly women, so when we work closely together, we sync up. We call the first one to start a “cycle bully” because all of us will shift. 🤣
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/24 09:21:51 )

@nyx: ooh I can become an uncle Tuijp! ;c;
*searches for baby presents*


Donator — squid Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/25 01:20:52 )
Thanks for all the advice guys! No changes in diet, no shots or birth control (we use condoms). I'm gonna give it a while and maybe wait til my next period. If that doesnt show up I'll go see my doc.

@Tuijp: if I am, you can definitely be uncle tulip :vanora_xd:
Just your friendly neighbourhood Goddess.

Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/25 09:28:53 )

@nyx: score!


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